Local sportSport

Local cricket team plays in Alex

JOBURG – The Zoo Lake Cricket Academy participated in a tournament against Skeen Primary School from Alexandra.

Skeen Primary walked away with the trophy in the tournament, which was held over two weekends in July and August.

Director of coaching at the Zoo Lake Cricket Academy, Gabriel Joachim, said the excitement his team displayed ahead of the matches was a clear indication of the triumph of the event. “This tournament was successful in every way. Most boys who participated played the first match of their lives. After weeks of practise, I could see the excitement on their faces.”

Scan Display sponsored the tournament and its managing director, Justin Hawes spotted the opportunity for the company to get involved and sponsor shirts for the teams, the ground fees and assist with logistics.

“It was a fantastic tournament with really great support from both sides. The opportunity to play against the Skeen Primary School squad was very rewarding for the Zoo Lake squad and it was a privilege for Scan Display to be involved in the event,” said Hawes.

Proud of his winning team, deputy principal of Skeen Primary School, Cornelius Setsheti, said he was grateful his team had the opportunity to participate. “It was great to give our learners the chance to play against a team from outside the area. The tournament was well organised and hopefully will go forward again in future.”

Setsheti and Joachim both agreed that the tournament should grow to other age groups and squads in the future, to further nurture the love for the sport and expose squads to other teams in their nearby vicinity.

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