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UPDATE: Support shown to deputy Head-Boy of King David Victory Park School

VICTORY PARK – By noon on 11 August, the petition in support of Joshua Broomberg had over 3000 signatures, while the petition to have him removed as deputy head boy of King David High School Victory Park, had just over 2000 signatures.

UPDATE: 11 August 2014, 3:45pm –  On behalf of King David High School Victory Park, Rabbi Craig Kacev of the South African Board of Jewish Education (SABJE) said the school won’t be taking immediate disciplinary action against Joshua Broomberg.

Kacev said the matter had been blown out of proportion and that they would not make a decision based on the petition. “We are not going to be swayed by populist online petitions. We are a school of diverse opinions.”

Kacev added that they were in conversation with Broomberg to reach an understanding on the matter. Broomberg is currently in Thailand representing the South African National Debating Team.

Do you think this is the right decision made by the school?

Tell us by posting on our timeline, Rosebank Killarney Gazette or tweet us @RK_Gazette

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UPDATE: 11 August 2014, 1:30pm – The Kind David School‘s Facebook page posted, “The South African Board of Jewish Education and leadership of Victory Park High School takes note of the Facebook posting which has caused much discussion in the community. We assure you that the School is dealing with the matter.”

Meanwhile, Broomberg has received a huge amount of support from Rosebank Killarney Gazette readers who responded to the article.

Sumaiya wrote, “I admire your qualities because despite your religion, you seem to be a fair and humble person in support of those that are being oppressed in Israel, and if that isn’t a sign of character and leadership I don’t know what is.”

Anthony Mc Conkey wrote, “Utter rubbish that he can’t have an opinion. For those that attempt to strip him of his post shame on you. You are bigots in a scackled [sic] society and sadly unable to determine right from wrong.”

Nadia wrote, “I wish I had the courage to speak about issues like this when I was his age. I don’t think he should be removed from the school or from his position at his school. He is a brave young man.”

UPDATE: 11 August 2014, 10am – Following the uproar caused by the actions of Deputy Head-Boy of King David Victory Park School, Josh Broomberg, former leaders of the school have come to the aid of Broomberg.

A new petition has surfaced, calling for the end of the attack on the pupil on social media and the first petition against him, calling for the school to strip him of his responsibilities as the deputy Head-Boy of the school.

The petition reads, “We, the undersigned members of the Human Race, with complete understanding of the facts contained in this letter, write to you in response to the petition lodged on change.org regarding the latest incident at King David Victory Park’s (“KDVP”) by Deputy Head-Boy Joshua Broomberg (“Broomberg”).

We commend your decision in your choice of Joshua Broomberg (“Broomberg”) as Deputy Head boy of KDHS. He shows true leadership and humanitarian qualities which are an invaluable if we are to progress as a united human race.”

Click here to view the full petition that rejects the call to removed Broomberg as the deputy Head-Boy of the school.

Do you think he should still be removed as deputy Head-Boy of the school, or is he entitled to his own opinion?

Tell us by posting on our timeline, Rosebank Killarney Gazette or tweet us @RK_Gazette

Add us on BBM for the latest news in your community. PIN: 29C7976C

Initial report: 9 August 2014, 13:52pm: Over 1000 members of the Jewish community have signed a petition calling for the removal of King David Victory Park deputy head boy, Joshua Broomberg.

The online petition, addressed to the headmaster of the school Gavin Budd, calls for the school and the South African Jewish Board of Education (SABJE) to take immediate disciplinary action against Broomberg, following an alleged incident of his public support for Palestine.

The petition reads, “Broomberg was seen on a public forum, namely Facebook, draped in a Palestinian scarf (Keffiyeh) as well as a Palestinian Flag in the form of a badge, with the caption being, ‘Team South Africa wearing Palestinian badges and Keffiyehs to show our opposition to the human rights violations carried out against the people of Palestine’.”

The concerned members of the Jewish community are calling for his removal of office from his position as deputy head boy of the school and a disciplinary procedure into his conduct.

Meanwhile, the pupil, who is also the captain of the South African National Debating Team, has taken to Facebook to defend himself. In a statement on his social network page, Broomberg apologised, “It was not intended to create the uproar it has.”

However, he went further to say, “I do not apologise for standing with Palestine on this issue. This is not because I do not believe in Israel or its people. I do believe in Israel, and I take this stand because I can love and support the state of Israel but still reject and criticise some of its actions,” he wrote.

The United Nations has reportedly said that over 1 900 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed over the past four weeks during Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip.

Click here to read the petition.

Click here to read Joshua Broomberg’s statement.

Do you think he should be removed?

Tell us by posting on our timeline, Rosebank Killarney Gazette or tweet us @RK_Gazette

Add us on BBM for the latest news in your community. PIN: 29C7976C

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  1. These people should be ashamed of themselves.
    How can they bully a child?
    The comments on that petition page are so hateful! It’s so disgusting! The one comment reminds me of the ‘Swart Gevaar’ tactic that the Apartheid government in SA used. It’s shocking to discover that they don’t even consider SA as their country and are going to ‘run away’ to Israel and serve in the IDF (which is illegal for an SA citizen to do). So basically, use our SA resources and then run away and don’t contribute to the country that raised you. I disgusted. Shameful! It sounds like this Broomberg kid is something these people need as he values compassion, humanity and is able have empathy. Something these people lack.

  2. in this world you can think what you like without repercussion but if you say what you like, you have to expect to defend the consequences and in my opinion he did not think this one through good enough despite being deputy head boy. This post is not without responsibility and there is a signed contract to uphold the basic tennents of the school and to uphold the values of Judaism. His behaviour was disgraceful (a shonda for non-Jews) and this is unbecoming of a deputy head boy of KDVP who should be a beacon of light for the Jewish community and not a disgrace. You might ask why was his behaviour a disgrace and who has decided that it was a disgrace ?

    He has brought disgrace on himself draping himself in public in Palestinian colours,the flag of a recognised terrorist organisation that has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and spews venomous anti -semitic propaganda and cares nothing for human life, misappropriating funds to build terror tunnels rather than defending its citizens. Thus he has broken his contract with the school , putting his personal values ahead of the school’s values causing him behave unethically with a conflict of interest. The Palestinians are enamoured with the Nazis and are oten heard chanting things like “Hitler was right” or “kill the Jews”. Thus he is a disgrace to the memory of the 6 million Jews who perished in the holaucast and he is a disgrace to the survivors who see Israel as the homeland of the Jews and lets not forget who is anti-Israel .

    For these reasons he should be stripped of his honours and his deputy status revoked.

  3. This boy is a true symbol of enlightment. If you say father you wrong that doesn’t mean to say that you betrey or hate your father.
    We know you gonna take all means to harm the boy but remember, its only a negotiation that will protect the existence of Israel not a gun,lies,and hatred.
    If there is anyone with Israel interests at heart is Josh not those who supply you with guns etc.
    This boy is a true symbol of peace and a reflection of real Jews.
    I rest my case.

  4. Reuven has fallen prey to the propoganda by the Jews who are trying to brainwash their people into thinking what they are doing is right and justified. The Palestinians have a right to exist without prosecution and without the myriad of human rights violations against them. I am not an anti-semite for aaying this. What the Jewish people have suffered in the past shouldnot be used tp justify what they are doing now and in the future. What happened to forgiveness? As far as I know God is not hateful.

  5. I am quite moved by Joshua, his maturity and steadfastness as he stands so magnificently in a deeper truth. When we have the recognition that we are not separate, compassion and understanding naturally arise regardless of the boundaries of nations at war. It is beautiful and refreshing to see this jewel emerge in unity consciousness.

  6. Not only brave but his parents should proud of such a principled young man … Well done Joshua

  7. Someone thinking for himself – champion. May he continue to be a beacon of light.

  8. @Reuvan What about all the gentiles now and throughout history who draped themselves in the Israeli flag to support the Jews? it’s hypocritical of you to be so selective, sir. Joshua’s words make it very clear that he is not in support of the terrorist actions of Hamas! Ever heard the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right”? Re-read his statement.

    If only those spewing such vitriol and hateful propaganda could realise that they are perpetuating the actions that lead to the loss of so many innocents, and mirroring just what the enemy is doing. What a pity that they are so blinded by hatred. It’s shameful, and I truly commend Joshua on his brave stance. He deserves to go far in life, and hopefully we will have people like him in leadership positions in the not so distant future.

  9. this is disgusting behaviour …. what happened to freedom of speech???????? dont the jews know thats how theyvwere freed?? people t behind them.now they want to oppress other people??? hisorty taught them nothing.

  10. Let the boy speak his mind, those who want him to be removed are as guilty as charge, the leadership of Israel should be critisized for their heartless decisions, innocent people are killed with no messy, and some who have blind loyalty to the regime of israel, do they really feel nothing for those who are killed ruthlessly, and if it was the citizens of israel been killed in that manner, our view towards the killers wouldn’t change, I salute all those who are brave enough to speak out against the killers, even SPCA won’t be pleased to see their animals been treated in the way Israelist kills the Palestinians.

  11. The King David deputy head-boy makes me proud. He has an independent mind, a backbone and, unlike most youth, interested in issues of the day. The future of South Africa is in good hands if we could have more like him. Promote the boy I say

  12. Foolish are those who are calling for broombergs head. Is it a crime against zionisim no show some humanity. What is wrong with the world today. Innocent women and children have being murdered and are people really ok with that. I wonder what would the reaction of south african zionists be if they we’re evicted from their home and had their lands stolen n bombarderd. The true definition of a zionists is “murderer” and “hypocrite”. Almighty God is all seeing and all knwing. Do they, the zionist really belive their crimes will go unpunished. Do people really think that arial sharons actions attracted the pleasure of God. Do they really belive he is enjoying even the fragrance of heven.

  13. I applaud this brave young man. That he has to put up with the drivel expounded by people like Reuven Magnes only increases my admiration for the lad.

    Reuven implies that he has brought disgrace to himself and insulted the memory of the holocaust by draping himself in Palestinian colours. This is an outrageous and unfair slur. Reuven, you do know there is a difference between Palestine and Hamas, right? Right?! He was NOT in the flag of Hamas, and has indicated that he does not support them. Rather he stands in solidarity with the majority of Palestinians who are NOT terrorists and who have been killed in this conflict.

    You claim the Palestinians are like Nazis. This is garbage. They are an oppressed people, illegally blockaded by Israel (an act of war according to the UN), with the West Bank occupied by Israel and illegal settlements popping up every few weeks, claiming more land that doesn’t belong to them.

    An essentially unprotected civilian population, with no army, no air force and no navy, has watched its schools, its hospitals, its mosques, and its old-age homes obliterated. Moshe Feiglin, a high ranking member of Likud, has openly stated that all Gazans should be relocated to tents on the Sinai border.

    Regardless, he can be broadly supportive of the state of israel without necessarily supportive of EVERYTHING it does. This true patriotism, rather than the lemming-mentality you seem to espouse.

    Schools should encourage free thought and dissent, even if it doesn’t like the ideas espoused. A school that shuts down this sort of free speech is a school not worth its salt. And people like you who bully brave young men like Broomberg deserve nothing but our deepest contempt.

  14. “You have nothing to fear but fear itself” what a courageous and thoughtful young man who dares to question what is happening to his beloved Israel and like any concerned “parent” would still love but be allowed to condemn poor behavior and judgement.
    How appalling that those who started the petition to remove him are so defensive and hysterical. I am so relieved that there is an equally strong groundswell of support from Jews who are not too blind to see!!!(Sunday Times August 10) young man you have a HUGE future with a brain like yours, a leader of the future!

  15. Do not take out the ills of an age long battle on a young man with the courage to comment on the chaos in today’s world’s with no intent to further the disent.
    Theses youngsters are the leaders of tomorrow.

  16. Why should he be removed , We have a constitution that supports the freedom of speech .if they agree to removing him then they need to get all the people who protested by means of marching in solidarity marches locked up , send petitions to have them removed from there work places.

    All those not happy with the constitution are free to leave

  17. Why should he be removed , We have a constitution that supports the freedom of speech .if they agree to removing him then they need to get all the people who protested by means of marching in solidarity marches locked up , send petitions to have them removed from there work places.

    All those not happy with the constitution are free to leave. .

  18. This courageous young man with a heart of a lion is a true son of Abraham. He is my personal Nelson Mandela. I am challenged, inspired.

  19. I am so proud of this young man. At times like this the long Jewish tradition of honourable dissent is as valuable as ever. I am so happy he is a South African also.

  20. The calls for Joshua Broomberg to face disciplinary action are a disgrace. It is the people who have instigated this petition who should be ashamed. Since when was freedom of expression or speaking up for humanity a crime? Do we forget the likes of Raoul Wallenberg, Giovanni Palatucci & Oskar Schindler who stood against injustice during the Holocaust? Speaking out against Israel’s heavy handedness in Palestine is not anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic nor anti-Israeli, just as speaking out against apartheid was not anti-South African. Neither do I see how one can equate wearing a Keffiyeh (a scarf worn throughout the Middle East including Egypt and Jordan)or a badge with a Palestinian flag as being symbols of Hamas. It is uneducated and ill-informed individuals who lead to the rise of bigotry, fascism and racism. We need more young people like Joshua Broomberg if we are to change anything. Change does not come through the barrel of a gun, it comes through education, enlightenment, humanity and tolerance.

  21. I thank you all for supporting this young boy. I have seen many other blogs and news posts where people call for the slaughter of the people in Gaza but here you people supporting gave me some hope.
    I used to think that people don’t care unless it’s only Muslims being killed but today i see there are people who care for Muslims too.
    Kudos to you all :)

  22. The problem with casting yourself as a victim, you end up violating others in the name of your defence. Israel supporters clearly have a “you are either with us or against us” mentality. The young Mr Broomberg with clarity of mind and conscience has found a middle ground. For such a courageous stance he must be commended abd not vilified. Those calling for his demotion are militating against his right to free speech whivh in turn militates against the constitution of the republic. Certainly such an action can never be supported by fair minded South Africans.

  23. Josh Broomberg is a very brave young man and is highly admirable for standing up for what is correct.He deserves to remain as Deputy Head Boy.

  24. Whether he is right or wrong is immaterial, but when the children of this planet are gagged and we think its the right thing to do, we are done as a progressive civilisation…………

  25. Joshua Broomberg should be applauded for taking a principled stand. It would be spiteful and cowardly to remove him as Deputy Head Boy.

  26. Sorry, Reuven, I think you are offside.
    You are conflating the actions of the government of Israel with the Jewish faith. they are not the same thing. Whilst I have certainly not read the contract young Joshua signed, I’m pretty sure that it did not say anything about defending the government of Israel , right or wrong.

    The young man showed courage beyond his years, and great strength of integrity. Whatever your stance on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, it took great courage to nails his colours to a mast that broke with his tribal position. That is the mark of a true leader – someone prepared to speak his mind. Keep an eye on young Joshua. He may well be one of our future leaders.

  27. This is absolutely shameful. It is so wrong on so many levels to vilify a young person like this for standing up for what he believes in, even if it goes against the grain of his community. Quite frankly, I applaud him for speaking out.

  28. Big up to Joshua he has the balls to call it like it is Respect to u Brother.
    its something special for someone in a high profile position to speak up against unjust behaviour of institutions or governments.

  29. He absolutely does not deserve to lose his place as deputy head boy — it ties bravery to speak an unpopular opinion. He said explicitly that he is standing against the human rights violations NOT the faith or even the nation of Israel as a whole. This boy is wise and articulate beyond his years.

  30. He stood in solidarity of Hamas who’s sole mandate is the destruction of Israel.

  31. He is a real human being. He stood solidarity with Gaza i.e Hamas who R actually fighting against brutal Isreal for freedom of Palestinian. Who are hamas? they are not selected by Isreali, and not agent of isreal. They are freedom-fighter. They not came from other country. When u blocked them since 17years, banned them, destroyed their shelter, grabbed their land, killing their people since 1947. So they tried to make “intifada” an unarmed struggling against brutal isreal. but Isreali’s killing them continue as they want. even u killed their leader by attacking air attack, a famous leader who were a 90 years old and blind man Hafez Yeasin, U killed yeasir arafat by poisoning at paris what who leave arms. Isreal looted their freedom of choice to elected their leader. U the isreali think “U will select who will be plestinee leader”. Isreal is now “lord!!” and plestinians are “servant??”. So the people of plestine now united to protest isreal by their arms, though this arms is too much smaller than brutal isreal. When Iraq violated 3 international laws, their president (Saddam) was hanged, and they were invaded. Israel violated over 60 international laws, and the United States and United Nations continue to support them financially and verbally. The truth will prevail. Whether it’s today, tomorrow, or in a 1000 years. “Hamas sacrifices itself for its people, and does not use its people as human shields to protect its soldiers.” “Look at the results,” “How many Israeli civilians Killed by Hama’s rockets? Meanwhile, how many Palestinian civilians has Israel killed?” At least 1,950 Palestinians have been killed compared to 63 Israeli soldiers during the nearly month-long war.. “Palistini freedom fighters try to killing soldiers, combatants, while Israel killed civilians.” ……. in order for any cease-fire to eventually endure, the blockade around the 1.8 million people in Gaza must be lifted—in the form of open borders, a working airport and an ability to use the sea. In response, he added, rocket fire from Gaza and tunnel-building into Israel could be stopped. Israel claimed that one of there soldiers was kidnapped, as a response, Israeli airforce massacred hundreds of innocent lives and wiped out families in Rafah, Gaza. Then confessed that it was a “miscommunication” and the soldier was not kidnapped, rather killed. Many families were murdered as a response to this silly mistake. However, this was no mistake, just another excuse to murder more children and innocent Palestinian lives. These unjustified and illegal massacres will not be forgotten by the people.

  32. He should be left alone, maybe even made Head Boy. He is quite entitled to speak out against the horror Israel is causing.
    Huge courage required to speak up for what is wrong Israel is what South Africa was a few years back.

  33. If you want freedom for Gazans why does that automatically make you a hamas supporter? And why that automatically make you against judiasm? You know this actually equates the mentality of the jews to the stupidity of americans. A palestine scarf is simply that. It doesn’t mean hamas or terrorist group. Educate yourself please. Even true orthodox jews in Israel are against the massacre. This type of attitude makes tge ignorant think that the torah only teaches to perscecute and oppress. That’s the message modern jews are giving off.

  34. Joshua…you are truly an inspiration…if anything, you should be aplauded for standing up for what you believe in. Shame om those who think otherwise. I cant believe in this day and age people can be so ignorant and so naive. Mr Magnes…you Sir have no idea!!!!

  35. He stood for freedom for Gazans,but Gazans believe their freedom lies in the destruction of the Israeli state.

  36. What a courages young man. Why should he be removed as a leader. Joshua I applaud you

  37. We must embrace both freedom of speech and freedom of association despite our misgivings. This youngster has every right to associate himself with any cause that he sees fit. This is the very cornerstone of this freedom.However simultaneously he must never forget the sacrifices that our fellow Jews have made in giving up their lives so that this youngster may benefit from this freedom. Because whilst Israel practices free speech I can assure you that neither Hamas or the PA do nor Saudi Arabia and this is the fundamental problem. I hope that the defenseless voices of the Iraqi Christians or the Women living under Apartheid conditions in most Islam Nations will also be on the same receiving end of the plight of the Palestinians. Where are you standing up for the hundreds of innocent civilians killed in gang violence on the Cape Flats…right here at home in SA
    Where is your solidarity with our own victims.

  38. Brave boy! Know your rights, everyone is entitled to an opinion and as long as that opinion promotes equity then it should be supported. good luck and stick to your values, whatever the outcome.

  39. I’m proud of you young man. Jews, Christians and Muslims lived freely under Islamic rule and we can only hope that it will happen again.

  40. I am proud that we still have outspoken young leaders with integrity and a moral and ethical conscience in this country!

  41. Wait… We have a Rosebank Killarney Gazette? AND it’s online?? I’m completely speechless…

  42. so proud of this young man for standing up against some adult bullies. you go young man. May your G-d bless you…..

    to the Jewish people who signed the petition……shame on you……

  43. Thumbs up to an incredibly brave and courageous young leader! As a teenager, I Salute Joshua Broomberg! I feel proud that our generation can boast of having such outspoken individuals. Joshua, never fear the reactions of those bent on hiding the truth.
    Just a point of interest. I don’t recall any petitions against anybody who criticised Hamas. And yet, when a young Jewish boy questions Israel, there is an uproar. Why? Do Zionists not believe in Freedom of Expression?

  44. Our constitution of South Africa is clear. Freedom of expression. No law is above the constitution. The school better be very careful on dealing with a Right

  45. What concerns me is that so many students signed this petition. A future generation. We really need to look at the bigger picture here!

  46. i am a teacher, and I can assure you this young man has spoken out not to take sides but to say how appalling it is what is going in Palestine, he and a lot of young people are taking about the injustice treatment of the Palestinian people, I am sure he is not the only Jewish person questioning what is going on.
    and since when has it been a crime to comment on the so called state of Israel

  47. I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it. – Voltaire

  48. This has shown a very strong Leadership in this young Man. He has made history for standing for Human Right. I therefore salute Him. What the Jewish are doing can do to any Country including SA, why would we think we are better than Palestine? We cannot support barbaric actions of killing Children. Even if it was Palestine doing this we would still stand against it!

  49. 1st off, I wish to congratulate this young man for thinking and having an opinion. More so for voicing it. Strong leadership qualities is evident with a bright future. This is the type of personality we need in this global village we live in. The present scenario playing itself out with the Israeli-Palestine conflict at present, are polarizing the communities across the globe. The only ones not seeing it are the Zionist. So kudos to this young man for standing up for human rights. For having an opinion on the genocide and ethnic cleansing attributed to the zionist AND still the the WORLD AND UN is watching with a front row seat. Like a free movie

  50. Hi Joshua

    Well done son and a special well done to your parents, who should be proud that they raised a son, who has the ability to apply his own intellect and express his opinion. You have special leadership qualities, that are evident in your own performance up to this point. No-one can ever take that away from you….This is a type of leadership quality, lacking in our society, particularly among the younger generation. I feel much better knowing that there are youth out there, like yourself. Your school and it’s parents should be proud of you…this has nothing to do with your opinion, but rather, these parents lack of toleranace and understanding. The qualities required to raise successful nations. Once again I salute you and your parents…Shalom

  51. I salute this young man.. He spoke when thousands turned a blind eye/threw deaf ears! Freedom of speech! That’s what we run with! Well done boy!

  52. I can only imagine the students are signing this petition because of personal reasons, because teenagers can be incredibly cruel to each other to be cool. Joshua, you have a voice, and you used it. Well done. If people want to take your badge away for having an opinion, then stuff them. I salute you.

  53. A million wrongs don’t make a right. Joshua Broomberg you are an amazing principled young man. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.(Martin Luther King JR)

  54. A million wrongs don’t make a right. Joshua Broomberg you are an amazing principled young man. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.(Martin Luther King JR)

  55. Much respect Joshua Broomberg. You took the road less travelled. This does not make you anti-Semitic, this makes you human.

  56. I wish I had the courage to speak about issues like this when I was his age. I dont think he should be removed from the school or from his position at his school. He is a brave young man and we as a nation and as a world need to listen to our children more, because they see what we do to each other.mFor a child it is daunting to know what lies beyond the safety lf their homes. We should appreciate the fact that Joshua’s parents raised him right and that this young man can see beyond political agendas and religion and look at humanity, wbich is universal to any religion, race, gender or political standing. Well done Joshua. I would be proud if my son could grow up to be like you.

  57. Joshua Broomberg, Deputy Head-Boy at King David Victory Park – should not be removed.

    He is supporting humanity. Israel has been acting against humanity, killing Palestinians and depriving Palestinians from basic fundamental needs for decades after decades. The way we were against Hitler, the same way we are now against new Hitler :Zionist Israelis.

    I salute Joshua Broomberg. The hate Netanyahu as much as I hate Hitler. Non eon this world has right to disturb another nation, none has any right to grab neighbor’s lands. None.

  58. There was a time not so long ago when Jews use to allow all debate no matter what the argument. Something has happened where people are now being “victimised” if they break rank and speak out honestly. The name of a now famous Jewish judge come to mind during this time. Does the Torah not preach tolerance ?

  59. Dear Joshua, The world won’t care that you were deputy head boy of some elitist school – what they will remember is that you stood for justice even when everyone around you in your community accused you of being a traitor….you are in good company – Albie Sachs, Lionel Bernstein, Arthur Goldreich, Dennis Goldberg, Bob Hepple, Harold Wolpe, Jimmy Cantor were ALL Jewish and ALL part of the defendents for the Rivonia Trial. In the Treason Trial of 1956 14 of the 23 defendents were Jewish. Joe Slovo, Helen Suzman and Isie Maisels all Jewish….YOU’RE IN GREAT COMPANY! Stay strong…the whole world is watching AND we’ve got your back!

  60. utterr rubbish that he cant have an opinion. For those that attempt to strip him of his post shame on you . You are bigots in a scackled society and sadly unable to determine right from wrong

  61. Joshua Broomberg is a “mensch”. He has compassion for humanity. He listens to his heart. He knows Israel was created to benefit America and England. It was not the time to return to the promised land. Judaism does not equal the state of Israel. Remember the 10 commandments – thou shalt not kill.(innocent babies). Remember the holocaust – it continues in Israel, only now “so called” Jews are the oppressors.

  62. Even if they succeed with stripping you of your achievements, stand strong. Continue to stand for what you believe.
    You have put your head on the line to publicly say what many people think and whisper in corridors.
    The reason South Africa is no longer under Apartheid, is people like yourself spoke out against it. They were persecuted and humiliated; yet they continued to stand firm. I stand with you. This is a humanitarian issue…

  63. I`m disappointed with so many South African Jews who take sides because of religion but rationality. Most are staying in RSA comfortably after they were welcomed as refugees after the Holocaust. Wrong is wrong. Don`t make this thing abt religion. You are South Africans now not Israelis-ts! This young man should be applauded for taking a stance against bullies! How would most of you feel if Black people woke up one day and decided that they don`t want Jewish nation in South Africa? Don`t start things you can`t finish! Land should be shared equally by all those who live in it regardless of religion or race! We accommodated you and we were mature enough to understand that we can never be the same. You should be ashamed of yourselves each Sabbath when you say SHALOM as you don`t practice it!

  64. Well done boy.let me just say that if they make u step down they are showing u that they are true terrist of the world n u never be able 2 trust them.Now u see that’s y Isreals kill innocent children.We all stand with u.FREEDOM 4 Gaza

  65. i admire your qualities because despite your religion, you seem to be a fair and humble person in support of those that are being oppressed in Israel and if that isnt a sign of character and leadership i dont know what is. i hope you get to keep your position as head boy all the best

  66. Nothing but respect for you. You have an consceience.. you are not the only jew against the injustice, there are many more. i salute u and ur bravery

  67. Nothing but respect for you. You have an consceience.. you are not the only jew against the injustice, there are many more. i salute u and ur bravery

  68. Nothing but respect for you. You have an consceience.. you are not the only jew against the injustice, there are many more. i salute u and ur bravery

  69. I as a Catholic agree with what Joshua did as it is not about religion but all about humanity from both sides Where is religion if there is no humanity. Humanity supercedes religion.As a human being you can not choose a side. All religions teach Love and if there is no love for your neighbour no matter what religion he is, where does that place you as human being.

  70. King David is obviously a very good school to have cultivated a courageous well informed independent young individual such as Joshua. I guess when he is the President of South Africa one day…he will proudly stand up and say that he was educated at King David..the school would be foolish to strip him of his accolades.I only wish there were more institutions such as this

  71. Despite jewish fears, we love you and understand your situation and we believe that a free israel and a free palestine can be an example that the world sorely needs. I believe anyone can see there are different strategies israel can use, ie the carrot or the stick and that by opening ur hearts to palestinian suffering u will cut off the bloody supply to the extremists. Israel is not special in the sense it has been dogged by extremist leaders for so long, while the truly religious and good have been sidelined. Peace is possible and hate has no place! This young man speaks for millions in the new generation.

  72. Hi, I admire your maturity and courage displayed at your age and that you chose dialogue and that humanity was victorious here! Let you be an example to your elders from your creed that injustice and dehumanizing others only leads to aggression, violence and resistance and that we need to learn from South Africa’s apartheid past

  73. In South Africa anyone can voice his/her opinion without fear of victimisation. Free Palestine.

  74. Respect! Stand up for what you believe in, even if you stand alone! Wonderful to see that there are young compassionate souls amongst us. Namaste <3

  75. Thank you, Broomberg..

    This is what NELSON MANDELA gave us, FREEDOM OF SPEACH!!!


  76. Look I understand everyone is saying he has freedom of speech which I do believe he does, however freedom of speech can be limited when you are in a representative position of a group. For example, it would not be appropriate for an ANC official who may be anti-semitic to make anti-semitic remarks as a representative of the ANC-of which the ANC should harbour religious and ethnic tolerance. The position he fills as deputy entails peace, love for Israel, academics, love for Judaism so you can understand why there has been a backlash. This is a time of conflict between Israel and terrorism and the correct position would have been to wear a kefiyah while say holding an Israeli flag to promote peace. Israel is fighting against a terror group and while civilians get hit you can’t say Israel are violating the law because the terror group uses its civilians as shields, they fire from civilian areas. I ask you the question: If Israel laid down its arms, would hamas continue firing rockets or trying to target innocent civilians or abductions. If hamas had to lay down its arms (and thereby prevent civilian deaths) would Israel continue to fire? Do not argue they fighting for the removal of the blockade, the blockade is to protect Israeli civilians from terror attacks aimed to cause mass damage on innocent civilians.
    While I agree on the stance the school has taken, it really is upsetting that Jews make news when ISIs are fucking beheading children I mean really why is this not the front page of the news? I do feel if Mr Broomberg fully understands the implications of his actions and how he has brought bad publicity in Israels right to defend against terror, and he still stands by his opinion of violations, he is not fit to serve in the role of the deputy of the school, a role in which he should support Israel in such a conflict against terror.

  77. Courage and freedom of speech! Don’t encourage children to learn not to speak their minds, we need the likes of him to take SA forth, true Mandela generation. Salute

  78. ook I understand everyone is saying he has freedom of speech which I do believe he does, however freedom of speech can be limited when you are in a representative position of a group. For example, it would not be appropriate for an ANC official who may be anti-semitic to make anti-semitic remarks as a representative of the ANC-of which the ANC should harbour religious and ethnic tolerance. The position he fills as deputy entails peace, love for Israel, academics, love for Judaism so you can understand why there has been a backlash. This is a time of conflict between Israel and terrorism and the correct position would have been to wear a kefiyah while say holding an Israeli flag to promote peace. Israel is fighting against a terror group and while civilians get hit you can’t say Israel are violating the law because the terror group uses its civilians as shields, they fire from civilian areas. I ask you the question: If Israel laid down its arms, would hamas continue firing rockets or trying to target innocent civilians or abductions. If hamas had to lay down its arms (and thereby prevent civilian deaths) would Israel continue to fire? Do not argue they fighting for the removal of the blockade, the blockade is to protect Israeli civilians from terror attacks aimed to cause mass damage on innocent civilians.
    While I agree on the stance the school has taken, it really is upsetting that Jews make news when ISIs are fucking beheading children I mean really why is this not the front page of the news? I do feel if Mr Broomberg fully understands the implications of his actions and how he has brought bad publicity in Israels right to defend against terror, and he still stands by his opinion of violations, he is not fit to serve in the role of the deputy of the school, a role in which he should support Israel in such a conflict against terror.

  79. Supporting Palestine does NOT equate to anti-sematism. It’s just human nature to want to speak out against the oppressed. People of South Africa should know this better than most.

  80. I fully support Israel and the need for them to take the actions they have over the past month. But I can not deny the human rights the Palestinians are suffering. However, both sides will need to recognize the needs of their opposition if we are ever to reach a state of peace. That will never happen without intelligent debate such as Mr. Bloomberg has initiated.

  81. Freedom of speech exists, yes. The limitations clause exists, yes. But the limits are those reasonable and necessary in a democratic society founded on the values of human dignity inter alia. I do not see how stripping a brave young man( who is displaying all the necessary, critical, intellectual thinking which an educated society would wish to promote) would constitute as such a limit. That is the legal bit.

    The human bit: @ Mel, I do not even want to believe that your response suggests that this young man should be sent to Palestine? Are you implying he should be ostracized to danger and oppression because of an opinion? This is a young, South African man. I shudder to think that right-thinking adults who wish to enjoy the peace and freedom under the Constitution can suggest such horrific, irrational responses.

    Lastly,@Greg, Hamas, notwithstanding the action they choose to take (which is not condoned by many who symphathise with the Palestinian occupation), was democratically elected and is thus not a rebel or vigilante terror group. An elected government chooses how they defend their people, is that not your entire argument in support of Isreal is based on? Facts first.

  82. I refuse to be dragged into being called anti-semit or whatever… What Israel is doing in Palestine is both illegal and inmoral, against the Qumran, against the Bible, and certainly against the Torah !!!

  83. it would be highly appreciated if people can do thorough research before pointing a finger into the direction that the “media” would want it to go!

    As much as children are being killed –
    go & see how many children soldiers HAMAS is training by the day!

    Furthermore its disturbing that an event like the 702 walk the talk was used to expose individual concerns as all of us are NOT supportive of the Boycott for ISRAEL or HAMAS supporters!

  84. Zionist group should understand that,we’re in South Africa not Europe or America where the word democracy is only appear in books! Anyone who grown up in South Africa under ANC will share the same views of this young boy unless otherwise you’re possessed!!!

  85. It would be nice if Rabbi Kacev shared his intended conversation with Joshua on air. There must be something very intriguing yet to be discussed if the situation requires an/any understanding. I’m sure Joshua needs a little tete-a-tete “wie ein Loch im Kopf” but the pastoral skills required of any rabbi for pacification of such a lively flock must be absolutely Mosaic and worthy of exposition. This is an extraordinary moment in the history of the Rainbow Nation. Choice doesn’t seem to be respected among the Chosen; Rabbi Kacev could enlighten us regarding this anomalous dispensation within the community.

  86. I cannot believe that this is actually taking place in South Africa, how dare they put this kid through this when he is absolutely right. 3/4 of the world opinion is the same as his. This school should be closed down as it is racist and still practicing apartheid. Hope this school is teaching the children the correct history about the land grabbing racist and non practicing Jews. Zionist are not Jews and South African Jews are zionist. King David School Victoria Park School must be shut and move to Poland. Joshua Broom berg your heart is the right place. To the staff and board members of this school, this is Afrcia not Europe so please leave your tunnel vision and blinkers in the toilet before you leave home.

  87. Liensl Franks or Anne Franks – You cannot justify this war period. Under the pretext of the holocaust the zionist have stolen Palestinian land and killed thousands of their people so please leave your zionist crap where it belongs in the toilet. Go back to Poland where you came from and take BIBI with you

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