
Vera Lynn screening for D-Day anniversary

SAXONWOLD - Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings with a special screening of the classic Vera Lynn film, We'll Meet Again.A

The screening by the Majestic Film Society will be followed by an English-style tea at the Ditsong Museum of Military History.

The 6 June 1944 D-Day (or Normandy) landings, codename Operation Neptune, was the largest seaborne invasion in history.

The operation by the Allied forces marked the beginning of the invasion of German-occupied western Europe.

“They called her [Lynn] the Forces’ Sweetheart. She symbolised the heart of the British nation during World War II,” said Radio Today broadcaster and film commentator Selwyn Klass.

“Lynn was Britain’s most popular female entertainer. Her poignant, bittersweet songs captured alike the hearts of those away and fighting, and those left behind on the home front.”

Lynn gave outdoor concerts for the troops in Egypt, India and Burma during the war.

The 1943 film, loosely based on Lynn’s life, tells the story about Peggy Brown, a young dancer who is trying to make it big in London during the Second World War.

Brown discovers that people like her singing voice and, although reluctant at first, she gives singing a try, and becomes a star.

She later meets a young musician and composer of classical music, who snubs ‘modern’ music.

Brown, however, believes he could make a success of popular music, and sets about trying to convince him of this.

An introduction to the film will be provided by Klass.

This year also marked Lynn’s 97th birthday and her 90th year in show business.

In celebration, Vera Lynn: National Treasure – The Ultimate Collection will be released by Universal Music SA in June.

The collection will include memorable, moral-boosting songs, previously unreleased tracks, and tracks recently discovered after lying forgotten in Lynn’s attic for 60 years.

Klass will also feature a CD give-away and snippets about Lynn’s life and the D-Day landings on his radio show, Moments in Time, on Tuesdays on Radio Today 1485 at 11.15am throughout June.

The screening will take place on 22 June at the Ditsong Museum of Military History, Erlswold Way, Saxonwold, at 2.30pm.

Details: 011 486 3648; majestic@telkomsa.net


City Buzz JHB has 3 copies of Vera Lynn: National Treasure – The Ultimate Collection to give away, courtesy of Universal Music SA.

To stand a chance to win, send an email with your name, surname and contact details to citybuzz@caxton.co.za, and include ‘Vera’ in the subject line; or Like City Buzz on facebook by clicking here and post the word ‘Vera’ as a comment on our wall.

Competition closes on 15 June.

Watch: Vera Lynn – We’ll Meet Again:

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