Political Parties 2014


The FF plus fights for you future.

A. Introduction and Background: The South Africa of 2014

1. It is time:

The FF Plus believes it is time for a better new South Africa. The ‘New South Africa’ of 1994 has failed and has become an old South Africa. The recipe for nation building in the past 20 years since 1994 has not worked. We dream of a truly New South Africa which is to the advantage of all its people.

2. South Africa of 2014:

The South Africa which came into being in 1994, has become stale, due to affirmative action, job-losses as a result of transformation, marginalisation of minorities, poor service delivery, poor management, incompetence, cadre deployment, nepotism, political appointments, lust for power, abuse of power, corruption, fraud, self-enrichment, cover-ups, incompetence, crime, farm murders, populism and ideological obsessiveness.

Every one in South Africa, apart from the ANC’s inner circle who has been advantaged by it, wants a country without these features. The result of this and other experiences, with which Afrikaners and other minorities face, is that a call is being made to stand together for a better dispensation – a dispensation which protects language and minority rights, maintains Christian values and guarantees freedom and justice.

In this manifesto the FF Plus explains its vision of how this has to be achieved, to broaden and deepen the democracy upon which this freedom is built.

3. Freedom with Justice:

Freedom can be described as the ability and right to make decisions and execute them.

As with the majority of South Africans, freedom is also central to the political thought of the FF Plus. While the FF Plus recognises the individual, a community and the state, and where applicable wants to protect it, there is a vacuum in South Africa with regards to the claim of freedom to communities.

4. What is the truth about South Africa?

The truth is that we have a very diverse country with different languages, cultures, religions and historical views. But also with realities that over 360 years we have grown accustomed to being economically intertwined and being dependent on each other. People believe that in this large country there is and has to be a place for everyone.

B. Point of departure: “Man proposes, God disposes”

Believers want to acknowledge the supremacy of the Trinity God and obey Him. In humble recognition of human imperfections, a constitutional dispensation is pursued which builds on this foundation. With this confession, the Freedom Front Plus offers its manifesto for the 2014 election.

C. Policy views about specific issues:

1. The role of a political party

The FF Plus is also in favour of models according to which the party has the potential to win an election in cooperation with others and after an election govern in a coalition while we still retain our core values.

2. Cooperation – Collective for Democracy

The FF Plus has, together with other opposition parties established a Collective for Democracy with the main objective of establishing an alternative government which will govern South Africa without the abuses of the past twenty years. A government in which the recognition of the rights of minorities is a priority as well.

An unacceptable culture of corruption, cadre deployment and blind racial targets has become such a part of the ANC that the party has to be defeated to bring about a radical change. An election is the only time to succeed with this and cooperation before an election and forming coalitions thereafter is the only attainable approach.

The FF Plus is already part of the Collective for Democracy. After the election other coalitions which could further weaken the ANC will also be formed. Through coalition forming rather than through merging, the FF Plus and its coalition partners will be able to retain their own identities and core values, but still cooperate where issues of common interest, for example the eradication of corruption, is at stake.

3. The South African society: Individuals, a community of communities and cultures

South Africa is the home of many cultures. Many black people have subordinated their ethnic cultures to a generalized black identity. The ANC is the most important carrier thereof. Yet, ethnic identity has not disappeared.

Some ethnic groups may freely choose to make their own unique identity subservient to the generalised standard. It can however not place any obligation on other groups to do the same. Even if a part of the group makes such a decision, another part may still be free to do the opposite. The right to this choice is inseparable from the FF Plus’ policy.

4. Afrikaners and minorities

Afrikaners have a right in Africa. Not only as individuals who speak Afrikaans, but as a cultural group with a future and a responsibility to make decisions about it. South Africa is our country of origin. Elsewhere, Afrikaners are only people with a strange English accent.

To survive as Afrikaners, they moved to the interior of the country, fought anti-colonial wars and battled against the conquerors in a struggle for economic empowerment. Under the leadership of Afrikaners, South Africa became the strongest power in Africa. In 1994, a new dispensation came into being which tolerates Afrikaners as long as they fall in with the majority.

A loss of freedom sounds as if it has nothing to do with everyday problems. The opposite is actually true. Insecurity, poor service delivery, disregard for Afrikaner and other minorities’ symbols and discrimination in the workplace, all start with a lack of freedom. Cultural, economic, moral, spiritual and even physical survival is threatened.

It is misleading to allege that all South Africans are free, because everyone has the right to vote. Freedom is more than the absence of restrictions. A broader meaning of freedom is the ability to be allowed to do something as a group; the right to make own decisions about own issues and the authority to implement it.

Black nationalists realised the value of numbers. They did not need to fight for black dominance. If 80% of the population is black, a basic democracy irreversibly offers the power to black nationalists. Whoever proposes a different model, regardless of how sensible it is for South Africa’s unique circumstances, is reviled as being ‘racist’ and ‘un-democratic’.

This is precisely what has been happening in South Africa since 1994. Afrikaners, who wish to retain the character of their education institutions or retain place names, are accused of racism. Land reform is one-way traffic and to discriminate against whites and other minorities in the workplace is regarded as being mere justifiable ‘corrections’.

If minorities object that they are being side-lined, the response is simply: “Be part of the majority”. 1[1] This approach is the root core of nearly every war in the modern world and the tide is turning against it internationally, but the current South African government is persisting with this outdated approach.

5. The South African Constitution

The South African Constitution is often called the best in the world. This is only a half-truth.

On the positive side, South Africa is a Constitutional State, which means that even parliamentary decisions are subject to the Constitution and judgment by the Constitutional Court. This is important, especially when the governing party, as it has to date, repeatedly obtained huge majorities at the ballot box.

The Public Protector, the Public Prosecuting Authority, the Auditor General, the Constitutional Court, the human Rights Commission, are all key institutions of which their independence are theoretically guaranteed by the Constitution. Unfortunately these institutions are only as independent in practice as the people who are appointed to them.

Another vacuum that exists in the Constitution is the disregard of cultural diversity. In the democratic world, the norm is to protect minorities’ culture, language and religion. They are given control over educational institutions; festive days and place names are recognized while the care of the elderly and other compassionate cases are managed by the group itself. Cultural differences are nurtured and preserved like biological differences.

Some African countries learnt the hard way to recognize diversity. Only after Eritrea separated from Ethiopia in 1993 a constitution was adopted which recognized ethnicity and even described the procedure to be followed by groups who wished to separate. Since then minority groups are more likely to see the advantages of Ethiopian citizenship. Following the violence of 2008, Kenya was also reformed to devolve more authority down to regions and ethnic groups.

The FF Plus is campaigning for the Constitution of South Africa to be amended to recognize the diversity in the country. In the meantime, the promotion and maintenance of Afrikaner’s interests within the framework thereof are set and pursued as objectives. Key clauses were included in the Constitution solely as a result of the intervention of the FF Plus: Section 235 which legalizes the striving for self-determination and Section 185 which led to the establishment of the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Language Communities.

6. Self-determination

The Freedom Front plus is irrevocably bound to fulfilling communities’, in particular the Afrikaner’s, internationally recognized right to self-determination, territorially and otherwise , the maintaining, protection and development of their rights and interests, as well as the promotion of the right to self-determination for all communities in South Africa which are bound by a common language and cultural heritage.

With this the FF Plus says: “Let us chase after every opportunity, within a constitutional context, gain greater control over issues which affect our everyday lives and our survival. Let us extend a hand to other groups, because the ANC’s tyranny of the majority is bad for the whole of South Africa.”

7. What does self-determination and minority rights mean in practice? A number of examples

7.1          Structures of authority


South Africa’s cultural groups all have a core area where they form the majority. Whichever party governs in the Vhembe district, it is under Vhembe control. The South African Constitution also acknowledges the authority of traditional leaders and a National House for traditional Leaders was established in 2009.

In contrast however, no authority structure for Afrikaners is recognized officially. The FF plus proposes a National Afrikaner Council, composed of Provincial Afrikaner Councils. Registration and voters and the voting process should take be placed under the oversight of the Independent Electoral Commission. Due to free unrestricted choices and through freedom of association each one should decide for himself/herself whether he/she wishes to register as an Afrikaner.

Institutions which resort under the authority of the state, such as schools and clinics, as well as private institutions of public interests, such as children’s homes, training institutions, examination authorities, monuments and sport clubs should have the right to affiliate with these councils – without subsidies being affected. Coordination and subsidizing of neighbourhood watches could contribute to combating the epidemic of farm attacks and other crimes.

Afrikaners can confidently contribute to South Africa’s wealth if their right to manage issues which they hold dear is recognized. The FF Plus will continue to claim this right.

7.2          Afrikaner settlements

In more than one place Afrikaners, on their own initiative, within the framework of the South African Constitution and without any encumbrance to anyone, have established settlements. These settlements contribute to the economy of their regions.

In the past, Orania had to approach the court to adjudicate its municipal status and Kleinfontein suffered under the threats of the government and other opposition parties. Both cases were eventually successfully concluded for the relevant communities.

The FF Plus insists on the recognition of the fact that these settlements contribute constructively to South Africa. It is ironic that emigration from South Africa is not controversial, but actions which lead to sensible residence in South Africa are controversial. The culture of dependence which undermines so many communities in South Africa is absent here. That is why the Xhosa community of Mnyameni could find favour with Orania and an accord could be concluded between them.

The FF Plus maintains that the Zulu-character of Nkandla or the Pedi character of Sekhukhuni Land is as valuable as the Afrikaner character of Orania or Kleinfontein. Indeed, it could only be advantageous if more such communities are established and the FF Plus will support and promote the establishment thereof.

7.3          Quota-free zone

The FF Plus supports the request that the three district municipalities of Pixley ka Seme, ZF Mgcawu (Upper Karoo and Lower Orange) and Namakwa are jointly declared a quota-free zone – an overwhelmingly Afrikaans-speaking area. Afrikaans-speakers will be exempted from transformation-driven quotas.

Although this region covers a huge area, less than 1% of the Gross Domestic Product is produced there. Yet, it is the heartland of various Afrikaans-speaking cultural groups which are currently suffering under cultural transformation. Despite poverty being widespread, there are ample development opportunities.

The specific nature of the area had already in 1997 been recognized by the former Minister of Constitutional Development, Mr. Valli Moosa. He said that the struggle of, amongst others, the Freedom Front to develop this area or Afrikaners, is a legitimate pursuit. Orania is in this region.

The proposed quota-free zone is offered as a joint project on behalf of all Afrikaans-speakers. Although all Afrikaans-speakers aren’t part of the same ethnic group, we have enough in common to unlock the potential of the region.

Brown Afrikaans-speakers in the Northern Cape have a proud anti-colonial tradition with their roots in the Khoi, San, Khorana, Griekwa and Nama fighters, to mention but a few. Freedom after 1994 has brought them very little. A common goal could be to the advantage of all of us and the FF Plus will collaborate to bring this about.

D. Policy views on issues of general importance

Because the FF Plus supporters are found everywhere in South Africa, there are issues of general interest about which the party also has strong views. The FF Plus regularly achieve success with it. This is another reason to vote for the FF Plus.

1. Language rights and multi-lingualism

The FF Plus views every language as endlessly more than just a means of communication. A language is like a home. Every one who is denied his/her mother tongue, are in a sense left homeless, his/her dignity is infringed upon and handed over to disorientation.

That is why the FF Plus stands for the recognition and development of all South African indigenous languages. It is a myth that a language survives merely by being spoken. The reality is that there are languages, which do not have the ways and means to maintain itself against dominant and expansionist languages, failing everyday. That is why the retention and expansion of Afrikaans’ higher functions are important. Afrikaans is one of the only languages which had gone through the whole process of modernisation in the twentieth century and can therefore give valuable support and leadership to other language communities who want to accomplish the same. The survival of Afrikaans opens the way for the survival of other indigenous languages.

The FF plus rejects the creeping language imperialism of Anglophiles who, especially through the methods of education, but also through public institutions and government departments and in the name of global trade and traffic, want to subject indigenous languages to English.

2. Education

The catastrophe which South African education is today has its roots in the past – but not where the ANC is looking for it. It lies in the freedom struggle which has made battlefields of schools. What children are taught that freedom comes before education; that poorly equipped schools should rather be burnt down than built up; that the demand “Pass One Pass All” is good educational practice; that disrespect for teachers is virtuous.

The ANC wanted to force South Africa to its knees through a system of destruction. After twenty years of destruction they could not reverse the process or build education up again. New governing systems and curriculums cannot bring the crisis to an end.

South Africa has two school traditions: “Liberation schools” with the above approach; and ‘the oppressors’” schools where hard work and high standards were non-negotiable. For the FF Plus quality education in the mother tongue of learners is non-negotiable.

System-wide quality education is dependent on a new education culture. Trade unions with destructive traditions should be brought under control. A culture of hard work, rising standards and honesty should be instilled from the presidency to the remotest school.

3. “Affirmative” Action

The correct translation of Affirmative Action should be ‘Confirmatory Action’. That is what the word means and that is what is being done practically. A small black elite is repeatedly confirmed, through the abuse that legislation such as Black Economic Empowerment commands.

The FF Plus agrees that some people with abundant potential never reached their full potential due to other defects of the system. Such people should be actively assisted. To however blindly enforce racial quotas, is a multiple injustice.

Some people are appointed to positions for which they are just not equipped. This creates tension in the person itself and leads to unproductivity. There are extremely competent black people who would have performed well in any set-up, but the cloud of doubt hangs over such a person; Was it an affirmative appointment?

Amongst Afrikaners, Brown people and other non-black people, a new generation of embittered people is being created. People who according to any means test qualify for assistance and show the potential to perform well are overlooked as a result of race. Similar bitterness gave impetus to the ANC’s power struggle. The FF Plus does not want to see the lessons which had been learnt from this go to waste and strives to prevent a repetition of this through standing for the reasonable treatment of all South Africans.

While the ANC wants to raise the requirements for “affirmative” action and in addition is being supported in it by other opposition parties, the FF Plus stands unequivocally for the scrapping of it. In the meantime, Afrikaner’s economic strengths have to be mobilised better. Indications are that there will be an increase in discrimination against young Afrikaners in the public and corporate sectors. That is why Afrikaners should also strive to become economically independent as entrepreneurs.

4. E-Toll

The FF Plus was always in the forefront of the campaign against the Gauteng E-Tolls. The value of the roads is acknowledged, but also the responsibility to pay for it. Unfortunately, the project was plagued by incompetence from the start.

The illegal way in which toll fees are collected and enforced, as well as the exorbitant costs of collection, is unacceptable. Responsible authorities were never willing to seriously enter into talks. The FF Plus succeeded at two opportunities to stop the implementation of the system. The struggle still continues in the courts.

5. The Youth and unemployment

The South African youth are facing enormous challenges, such as unemployment, poverty and illiteracy.

Unemployment in South Africa has reached a crisis level. The unemployment level in South Africa is at 24% with only 14 million South Africans currently employed. More than 70% of the unemployed are younger than 25 years old.

Unemployment should therefore be actively addressed. No government can create jobs on a sustainable basis. That is why the FF Plus is convinced that unemployment can be overcome if the government’s policy changes to create a favourable environment for job-creation and effect investment.

The FF Plus has a five point plan to combat unemployment and especially youth unemployment:

  1. Labour legislation should be amended to promote job-creation while reasonable labour practices are still maintained.
  1. Strikes and specifically illegal strikes which lead to the loss of hundreds of thousands of job opportunities should be actively restricted and prohibited. Trade union’s power should be restricted and their irresponsible actions which lead to job-losses should be prevented through powerful legislation.
  1. Racially based affirmative action and unreasonable black economic empowerment must be scrapped. This policies have failed all South Africans, but especially the youth. Only a small black elite is benefitting from it while poverty and unemployment are still rampant.
  1. The FF Plus is in favour of a youth wage subsidy which, if it is implemented correctly and fairly, could actively address these challenges. The FF Plus therefore proposes the following pre-conditions with regards to the implementation thereof:
  • The subsidy should not be subjected to Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment measures. Unemployment reaches across racial barriers.
  • There has to be balance between the funds awarded to this subsidy and the funds for bursaries and training.
  • The youth subsidy should also make provision for the promotion of service training.
  • The firing of older, more experienced workers should be actively prevented.
  1. Education and training should prepare the youth for employment. At present more than 80% of learners who leave school not have not been trained or prepared for the workplace. Training institutions that train artisans should be accessible and equipped to equip the youth to enter the workplace and should also create an entrepreneurial climate.

Our country, as well as the whole of the African continent possesses a demographic dividend in the next couple of years due to our young population which could be utilised to create large scale growth. Let us make use of all our youth to ensure this – let us for ever leave racial discrimination in the past.

6. Land issues

The FF Plus understands the emotional impact of land ownership on black South Africans. Afrikaners, indeed, have the same sentiment. That is why land should not only be seen through a commercial lens alone. Afrikaners also want the peace of mind that a part of the African earth inalienably belong to them.

The FF Plus is of the opinion that there is enough land available for redistribution, but that administrative problems are causing delays which is to the detriment of the country and leads to emotional outbursts.

The FF Plus’ view is that the unused state land should immediately be used for redistribution and the principle of “willing buyer – willing seller” should be followed thereafter.

The FF Plus is opposed to powers of expropriation is vested with the Minister of Land Reform and believes that such powers belong to higher courts, as a fundamental constitutional right is at stake here.

The re-opening of land claims will create great uncertainty in the agricultural sector. It will also create expectations with claimants which for financial reasons will not be fulfilled. Where the precious process was 95% completed after 16 years, the new claims will result in it taking another twenty years to finalise all the new claims and bring certainty to the agricultural sector. South Africa cannot afford fertile land becoming unproductive as the population increases every year and 70% of the population will soon be urbanised and need more food daily. The new process will affect food security, which is the keystone for stability in every state, also in South Africa.

7. Agriculture

The achievements of commercial farmers against the backdrop of an unreliable climate, rising input costs, inadequate state assistance in the form of research and indiscriminate protection of tariffs, target oriented attacks with excessive cruelty, compels admiration.

The leader of the FF Plus has since 2009, as deputy minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries accomplished a great deal to stabilise agriculture.

The FF Plus recognises the strategic value of agriculture as food producer and employer in South Africa.

The FF Plus supports greater state investment in agricultural research to ensure that institutions such as the Agricultural Research Council and the Water Research Commission place South Africa at the forefront of research with regards to scarce resources.

Agriculture, as a primary industry in the economy is an essential role-player as employer, food producer and income multiplier in the economy and should therefore be nurtured by the authorities.

Agriculture should be protected against tariff and subsidy protectionism of international role players and the dumping of sub-standard imported agricultural products.

The irony is that the biggest losers, should agriculture collapse, will be poor South Africans. The FF Plus insists that a social, economic and political environment is created, that makes it possible for farmers to ensure food security.

8. Policing

Crime remains a serious threat for everyone. That is why the police service should be led and offered by professionally trained members. It is to the detriment of South Africa and all its residents that top positions in this service under the ANC regime are filled by political appointments from outside the Police. It is destructive if it has to be accepted that young police members can never reach the highest ranks, regardless of their capabilities.

The FF Plus honours police members who loyally and fearlessly fulfill their duties regardless of the poor circumstances and prospects. In contrast, the party rejects the actions of police members (more likely deployed cadres) who regard themselves as rulers and being above the law; who abuse their positions for personal gain about the brutality which often accompanies it. The party insists that the police service is allowed to serve and protect, without political interference and within proper disciplinary norms.

Ineffective policing leads to citizens having to pay for a basic governance themselves. More and more private security services are established. The FF Plus insists that this private funding of security should be tax-deductible.

Violent crime with the use of illegal weapons take place everyday and claim thousands of innocent victims annually. The FF Plus steadfastly believes in the right of competent citizens to bear arms and in suitable instances, use it to protect their life and goods, accompanied with the duty of thorough training.

Farm murders remains a crisis where the figures indicate that it is currently more dangerous being a farmer than a police officer. The FF Plus demands that a thorough police plan and that farm murders are declared to be a priority crime.

9. Autonomy and provinces

A federal characteristic of the South African Constitution is the creation of the provinces. Very little thereof actually materialises, as the tone for ANC provinces is provided from Luthuli House and not in the provinces itself. A province where opposition parties govern, experiences national departments exceed their jurisdiction there.

The FF Plus believes in the principle of subsidiarity. That means that authority should be exercised on the lowest possible level. Provinces only do what municipalities cannot do and the national government only does what provinces cannot do. This promotes participation and enriches the content of democracy.

Poor governance and in-fighting, characteristic of the ANC controlled provincial governments must be eradicated. FF Plus representatives in every provincial legislature will campaign to, either in a coalition bring the ANC down or to keep an eagles eye on them.

10. Local government

Maybe the biggest disgrace in South Africa after 1994 is the municipal dispensation. Towns were merged and metro councils were established, but the only thing which improved, is the compensation of councillors and top officials.

The FF Plus’ support for subsidiarity can with great difficulty be accomplished as long as municipal councils are the most incompetent level of governance. The problem is not too much power on local level, but too little. It can be described as follows:

Municipal areas are so large that it is no longer governance at grass roots level. In addition, the ANC uses municipalities as a channel for the deployment of cadres. The executives and even councillors who are deployed locally often have too little in common with the community they serve.

The FF Plus is campaigning for local governments to become smaller and more local again. The example of Orania shows what a small community with little resources without the assistance of government, can accomplish. Local government that works is the biggest favour that can be given to South Africa.

11. Women and children

The FF Plus has great appreciation for the role women fulfill in public and civic life on all possible terrains.

The FF Plus supports women’s rights, but knows that it can only be realised in practice through the empowerment of women through training and the creation of opportunities. The FF Plus will campaign for this.

The role of the women as mothers of the children of our country is a significant building block for healthy families and a healthy society.

That is why the FF Plus supports measures aimed at protecting women and children as vulnerable citizens against misuse and abuse.

12. Economic empowerment, social development and poverty eradication

Vibrant, independent communities is the only protection for impoverishment in a global economy. The FF Plus therefore supports an approach of empowerment of communities as an alternative to the government’s model of black economic empowerment.

The policy of black economic empowerment has led to black elite empowerment through which wealth is moved around rather than created. This has had as consequence that assets are merely handed to specific black individuals in stead of entrepreneurial and community upliftment are encouraged. Economic empowerment in South Africa should not focus on the enrichment of single individuals, but rather on real empowerment of the whole community.

Critical elements of the empowerment for which the FF Plus is campaigning, is:

  • The development of independent, local economies;
  • Larger decision making competencies for communities;
  • The application of growth and development rather than racial targets as empowerment methods.

This includes special economic zones which is exempt from affirmative action, empowerment and labour legislation.

Poverty is a national problem which affects a very large section of society from all communities. The phenomenon of increasing white and Afrikaner poverty as one of the unintended consequences of affirmative action and black economic empowerment demands focused attention.

Poverty eradication in community context has been tested throughout the years as the most effective form of poverty alleviation. That is why the FF Plus will campaign to promote community based, social services and the party rejects the application of racial quotas (rather than a means test) in the allocation of government funding for social service organisations.

13. Health

The FF Plus condemns the over-regulation of the medical schemes industry through which funds are overly burdened and the net tax burden on individuals is increased.

The medical fund industry and private medical service industry is an essential partner in the establishment of the good quality health services for South Africa.

The FF Plus will campaign for a national partnership between private and public medical services in which room is left for both to function free from unnecessary restrictions in the interest of a healthier population.

The FF Plus is of the opinion that the HIV/Aids pandemic cannot be stopped by medical interventions alone but only through a comprehensive social reorientation.

Public health infrastructure should first be upgraded before any form of a National Health Insurance Scheme can be considered. National Health Insurance cannot be used for this upgrade.

14. Sustainable development

The FF Plus recognises that the earth is one comprehensive ecological system with limited resources and limited abilities to absorb pollution. The largest threat for life on earth as we see it is not that resources are being exhausted. It is that the atmosphere is overloaded with pollution, with climate change as visible consequence.

Climate change will probably lead to higher average temperatures but the acute problem is unstable climate circumstances. Dry years are becoming warmer and drier, wet years lead to more serious floods and both conditions lead to resources being exhausted much faster. People will have to adapt to it.

The most important origin of waste being dumped in the atmosphere is power generation. In South Africa the overwhelming majority of energy generated is produced by polluting coal-fired power stations. Vehicles with petrol and diesel as energy sources also contribute.

The FF Plus welcomes the increasing emphasis on solar energy. In the past ten to fifteen years the price of photovoltaic panels have declined to such an extent that domestic power generation has become feasible. The FF plus encourages all South Africans to move in this direction. It will give economic resilience to households and promote the economy as a whole, while the atmosphere gains from it.

Solar radiation in the Northern Cape is so amply available that a solar farm of forty square kilometres could duplicate the whole of Eskom’s capacity. Storing electricity is another problem. Yet the FF Plus foresees a time when Eskom will mainly be the distributor and stabiliser of electricity.

The FF Plus is keenly looking forward to and campaigning for the era of fossil fuels coming to an end and is replaced by solar energy.

15. Foreign affairs

South Africa’s foreign relations indicate a clutter of contradictions. Human rights is the core thereof, apart from relations pertaining to Cuba, China or Arabian states. Self-determination for smaller peoples is extremely important for Palestinians or South Sudan, but does not play any role as far as Tibet is concerned.

Africa should resolve its own conflicts and act decisively against dictators, except when it is in Zimbabwe. Offenders of human rights should be handed to international courts, except when it is the designated head of state of Kenya.

The FF Plus demands clarity and guidelines which the government is prepared to follow itself. Twenty years after seizing power, countries which had housed or trained NC fighters, should no longer receive any preference.

The FF Plus campaigns for the enforcement of reasonable human right, not only in South Africa, but also internationally.

16. State spending

The huge disasters in state spending, such as the purchase of arms and security spending in Nkandla, is merely the tip of the iceberg. If the president is not above suspicion, officials who work with the public will not be convinced that corruption has to be combatted.

As with education, a change of culture is required. The best Public Protector will not be able to stop corruption if it is pervasive throughout society.

The FF Plus rejects the current system of the awarding of tenders and state contracts. It has to be replaced by a transparent system which is based on fair competition and through which all forms of corruption is excluded from it. This includes public servants not being able to receive state tenders at all or be advantaged through it.

E. Conclusion

If you agree that South Africa will be much better off if cultural and minority groups are recognised; that Afrikaners and minority groups will gain by having control over issues which they hold dear; that communities should take responsibility themselves; that Afrikaners should function independently from the government, then definitely vote for the FF Plus.

These are the issues that the FF Plus wants to promote in every Legislature and Parliament in the country.

Party Leaders

Dr Pieter Mulder – National Leader

Dr Mulder grew up in Randfontein and Cape Town. He attended the High School Riebeeck and matriculated in 1968. Whilst at school he served as Head Boy, played rugby for the first team and won the Victor Ludorum for athletics.

In 1969 Dr Mulder underwent his national service military training in the navy at Saldanha Bay. He completed an officer’s course in Gordon’s Bay and served on a minesweeper in Simonstown. He won the Sable of Honour as Best Officer of the Intake.

In 1970 he enrolled at Potchefstroom University where he completed his BA (Communication), his MA (with distinction) and at age 26, his D.Phil.

As a student he served as Chairman of the Students’ Representative Council and played for the university’s u/20 rugby team.

In 1974 he became a lecturer in communication at the university, and won an Abe Bailey Scholarship to visit the United Kingdom for three months.

In 1981 he went to the United States of America and completed his post-doctoral studies in International Communication at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

In 1984 Dr Mulder was appointed Professor and Head of the Department of Communication at Potchefstroom University.

In 1985 Dr Mulder was elected to the Potchefstroom Town Council.

In March 1988 he was elected to Parliament when he won a by-election in Schweizer-Reneke.

In 1994 he was a founding member of the Freedom Front (Vryheidsfront) and was elected chairperson of the Party. Dr Mulder was a member of the Freedom Front’s negotiating team with the ANC before the election of 27 April. As number two candidate on the party’s national list he was re-elected to Parliament in 1994.

In March 2001 he was elected leader of the Freedom Front.

In 2008 the book, Kan Afrikaners toyi-toyi, authored by him was published.

In 2009 Dr Mulder was appointed by President Jacob Zuma as Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

In 2010 at the 10th General Assembly of UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization) Dr Mulder was elected to the presidency of this international organization and in 2012 he was re-elected to this position.

He plays squash, enjoys reading and has a keen interest in astronomy, technology and history.

He is married to Triena, a teacher in mathematics, and they have five children and four grandchildren.

Contact details

Website: https://www.vfplus.org.za/
Telephone: 012 665 0564
E-mail: info@vf.co.za
Facebook: Freedom Front Plus
Twitter: @VFPlus
Physical address:
Postal address: PO Box 67391, Highveld, 0169

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