Second term squash club chairman has big plans

Jeff Shulman will begin his second term as chairman of the Old Eds squash club.


Shulman first joined the Society in the mid 1980s when his father was a member of the bowls club, and became a member of the squash club.

According to Old Eds media liaison Mike Dunk, when Shulman began his first term in 2002 the club was not as strong as it is now and it also did not have first league status.

“That all changed as he was able to attract players of the calibre of Paul Atkinson, Mike Toothill, Warren Getz and a junior, Wesley Daniels, and with that sort of talent, it was no surprise that they won the men’s first league for the first time in 2005,” said Dunk.

Shulman described himself modestly as “a lower league hacker” but he appears to have not only made many friends among his team-mates over the years, but has gone on to play an active role in Masters League. Through his hard work the club is now acknowledged as the centralised venue for the league.

Shulman has recognised the strong league and social environment that the Old Eds club has to offer.

“The ladies won the trophy for the best overall results in the last Gauteng league and we have strong Masters League participation,” he said.

“All in all we are in a good position and with some 70 members overall we are one of the strongest clubs in the province. The players love the facilities here with the pub close by and the fact that it is easily accessible for all the players.”

With a strong committee behind him comprising of people who have expertise in many areas, the Old Eds squash club appears to have the right man in place.

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