
Fake money suspect arrested by Norwood Police Station officers

Sergeants Koena Nkoana, Samuel Khang and Vusimuzi Vhangani required the occupants' permission before searching the car.

Norwood Police Station police officers arrested a suspect for possession of fake money notes during their patrol on February 7.

Norwood Police Station’s spokesperson Sergeant Eric Masotsha said police officers who were on duty in the Sydenham area identified a white suspicious-looking Mercedes-Benz.

“The Norwood Crime Prevention members were on duty performing their routine patrols in the Norwood precinct. When they were patrolling along the Sydenham area, Sector 4, they spotted a white suspicious-looking Mercedes- Benz with three occupants and stopped the vehicle. Sergeants Koena Nkoana, Samuel Khang and Vusimuzi Vhangani identified themselves to the occupants and asked to search them and the vehicle.”

Masotsha added that while searching the driver, three fake R100 notes were found in his possession.

The spokesperson said the driver’s reason for having fake notes with identical serial numbers was unsatisfactory to the police officers.

“The suspect was placed under arrest for being in possession of three R100 fakes notes. His Constitutional rights were explained to him and he understood.”

Masotsha added that the suspect was detained with no visible injuries and will appear before a court of law in due course.

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