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Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital help raise liver awareness

Locals are encouraged to take their children to the hospital as soon as they see symptoms of cirrhosis.

Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital transplant unit commemorated Liver Awareness Day to spread awareness about liver-related diseases in children.

Under the leadership of Sister Anja Meyer and Dr Priya Walabh, the pediatric liver transplant hepatologist, the unit highlighted the management and prevention of liver disorders and organ donation.

Walabh explained that cirrhosis (irreversible scarring) of the liver resulted in chronic liver failure which led to increased mortality and morbidity, and most children with chronic liver failure would eventually require liver transplantation.

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“Biliary atresia accounts for more than 50% of the causes of chronic liver failure in children and patients present symptoms within the first three months with prolonged jaundice yellow discolouration of skin and sclera, pale stools, and dark urine.”

Nonkosi Mteto, Mehnaaz Ally, and Priya Walabh educate people on liver-related diseases.

She added that early recognition and referral of patients with biliary atresia were vital as a surgical procedure could be done which could assist in the drainage of bile and slow down cirrhosis of the liver.

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Walabh emphasised that the progression of cirrhosis to chronic liver failure could include signs and symptoms of ascites, poor growth, easy bruising, bleeding, and deficiencies of all fat-soluble vitamins.

“Children with cirrhosis need to be referred early to tertiary centres so they can be managed optimally for all complications and treatment includes a multi-disciplinary approach with regular visits to assess the patient.”

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