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Recycling campaign launches at Zoo Lake

PARKVIEW – Two sets of recycling bins, 20 benches made of recycled plastic, 10 table and bench sets made of recycled plastic, a Zoo Lake attraction picture frame and a recycling depot have been installed so far.

A recycling campaign aiming to see one million people commit to recycling their plastic waste has launched at Zoo Lake.

The Million Plus initiative was launched by Polyco with marketing and implementation by [dot]GOOD.

Two sets of recycling bins, 20 benches made of recycled plastic, 10 table and bench sets made of recycled plastic, a Zoo Lake attraction picture frame and a recycling depot have been installed so far.

Chairperson of the Zoo Lake Users Group Fran Haslam and managing director of [dot]GOOD Michael Baretta stand alongside the recycling bins near the basketball courts at Zoo Lake. Photo: Sarah Koning

Founder and managing director at [dot]GOOD Michael Baretta is a Parkhurst resident who regularly runs around Zoo Lake and feels passionately about its preservation.

Baretta explained that the initiative employs a waste sorter who collects and sorts recyclable materials left at the park. The waste is then weighed and sold to WastePreneurs. Proceeds are donated directly to the Zoo Lake Users Committee for much-needed park upgrades.

Million Plus waste sorter Nomsa Zozi sorts through waste at Zoo Lake. Photo: Supplied

Brand manager at Polyco Nicola Rowe said, “Zoo Lake was targeted as a high foot-traffic area enjoyed by families, outdoor enthusiasts and residents alike within a beautiful park setting in the heart of Johannesburg.”

Chairperson of the Zoo Lake Users Committee Fran Haslam called on all residents to support this initiative by bringing their recyclables to the depot opposite the bowls club parking lot.

Million Plus waste sorter Nomsa Zozi sorts through waste at Zoo Lake. Photo: Supplied

Baretta said, “During the festive season, Million Plus promoters, armed with recycling bags, roamed the park encouraging parkgoers to pick up after themselves and recycle. This behaviour was incentivised by the chance to win prizes made from recyclable plastic.”

“Through this recycling campaign, we are not only improving the conduct of parkgoers, but we also ensured a cleaner environment and better park for all who use it.”

Chairperson of the Zoo Lake Users Committee Fran Haslam stands in the Million Plus selfie frame alongside Michael Baretta from [dot]GOOD. Photo: Sarah Koning

For more information, visit www.millionplusrecyclers.co.za


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