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Reaction officer writes book to inspire others

PARKWOOD – Khumbuza's book details his journey to success from humble beginnings.

Local CAP Security reaction officer Desmond Khumbuza has released his first book aimed at motivating people going through difficulties and bringing encouragement and hope.

The book, God Loves Orphans is inspired by Khumbuza’s personal journey.

Khubuza’s mother died when he was 11, forcing him and his two younger siblings to be raised by their grandparents in Khakhala Village in Limpopo.

Speaking to the Gazette, Khumbuza said he moved to Johannesburg to find a better life for himself and his family.

“Coming here, I didn’t have a choice of work. I wanted to find anything that would put food on the table,” he explained.

He has now worked in the security industry for 14 years, beginning as a gate opener. He slowly moved up the ladder to where he is today – working as a reaction officer with a driver’s licence and studying marketing management through Unisa.

“Growing up as an orphan was not easy. I decided that now that I have succeeded, I want to encourage youth to make it in life, regardless of their current situation.

“I want to encourage others that there is a green light for them, despite the difficulties.”

He said the process of writing the book helped him to release stress, anger and a negative mindset and instill in himself a positive mindset to help him go further in life.

Local reaction officer in a street in Parkwood which he usually patrols. Photo: Sarah Koning

“My goal is to see the world change. I want to see people inspired and motivated that they can do it. They must not give up, get weary or lose hope. It may take a long time, but at the end of the day, they will make it.”

Khumbuza patrols the areas of Parktown North, Parkwood, Rosebank and Parkhurst and he enjoys his work of keeping the community and their properties safe.

He said so far, his book had yielded a positive response from the local community.

Residents can purchase his book for R250 per copy. Books can be ordered by emailing desmondkhumbuza45@gmail.com

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