
Promoted member of the Parkview police says you have to sweat before you reach the peak

PARKVIEW – Detective Sergeant Christopher Tsie encourages community members to be patient with police when they visit crime scenes, giving police all the information that they have so that police can break the cycle of crime.

Detective Sergeant Christopher Tsie was delighted to be promoted in rank from Constable last year.

He has worked at the Parkview Police Station for 12 years and looks forward to taking on the new challenges which the higher rank brings.

Speaking to the Gazette, Tsie spoke about how he had always looked up to the police, having grown up in the community of Thembisa.

“It was always my ambition to join the police. I like to help humanity and grew up in a community that was struggling with drug abuse. I wanted to help people change their lives. Policemen came to our school telling us about the work of the police and I thought this was wonderful,” said Tsie.

Detective Sergeant Christopher Tsie is eager to assist community members. Photo: Sarah Koning

Tsie works as the first respondent to a crime scene where he conducts a preliminary investigation, interviewing complainants and arresting any suspects at the scene.

He works four-day-long shifts and believes it takes dedication and patience to overcome the difficulties involved in the job.

“You have to sweat before you reach the peak,” he commented.

His goal is to become involved in social development, dealing with social crimes and education within communities.

He said one of the hardest things he encountered during his work was witnessing suicide scenes.

“It is sometimes very traumatic being the first responder to a suicide,” he reflected.

Tsie encouraged community members to be patient with police when they visited crime scenes, giving police all the information that they have so that police could break the cycle of crime.

He also urged local residents to keep their phones concealed when waiting for an e-hailing service.

Spokesperson for the Parkview Police Station, Captain Tintswalo Sibeko described Tsie as a humble, committed and dedicated member of the police.

“He puts in the effort and gets the good results. He has an empathetic ear which is wonderful when talking to community members. He always treats complainants with respect,” said Sibeko.

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