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Help nurture their soccer talent

"We would like to appeal to the community to help us raise funds to pay for the facility which is R12 000 per annum."

Zoo Lake Football Club which consists of the sons of domestic workers who work in Ward 117 needs community support.
The young and talented soccer players are appealing for support in the form of financial help so they can hire space at Zoo Lake Sports Club in Parkview.
“We are having a challenge with the fees to pay for the facility so we can train and play games at Zoo Lake Sports Club. We would like to appeal to the community to help us raise funds to pay for the facility which is R12 000 per annum,” said Mulisa Rodney Mashamba, a member of the football club.

Mashamba also shared proof that their club was recently registered. The club was formed in 2011 and its members range from 15 to 27 years old. “Most of us are unemployed and soccer helps keep us preoccupied. Some of our team members do piece jobs here and there. Some of us have the potential to pursue football professionally. We also, however, do not have kits and we just play in our regular clothes.”
The club currently plays in an area of Zoo Lake but Mashamba said the disadvantage was that it got dark as there were no lights and there were dustbins and other objects that players had to negotiate.
“We played at the sports club for the past three years after an arrangement with the caretaker. For instance, if other sports like cricket or rugby were playing, we would squeeze in. But unfortunately, the advent of lockdown brought changes and only people who pay were allowed in.”

Zoo Lake Sports Club manager Morag Maynard said she was aware of Mashamba’s group and understood that he was trying to get sponsorship for soccer pitch hire.

“At this stage, Zoo Lake Sports Club is unfortunately unable to offer any further free field usage to any additional groups. For the 2020 year, the groups that we have an agreement with for free usage of our facilities are Forest Town School, Parkview police, and Opopo which is a non-governmental organisation,” Maynard added.

She said while there were myriads of deserving groups in the community, Zoo Lake Sports Club has had to make a decision based purely on financial affordability. “Due to the fact that as a club we receive no government funding or rebates whatsoever, and thus have to fund all club overheads, staffing and rentals from revenue generated, it is sadly simply not possible to support everyone.”

She confirmed that their current field hire rate was R980 excluding VAT per soccer pitch per two hours. “We do also offer a range of bulk booking discounts based upon the time of usage as well as the frequency and day of field use. At this stage, and proceeding into 2021, our fields are fully booked for weekdays between 4.30pm and 10pm.”

Details: To assist the Zoo Lake Football Club you can contact Mulisa Rodney Mashamba rodney@pain.africa

Share your community stories by email to naidines@caxton.co.za


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