
New principal ushers in an era of innovation and re-imagination

SAXONWOLD – Williams is leading the school to become a leader in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Saxonwold Primary School staff and learners were ecstatic to recently welcome new principal, Leigh-Anne Williams.

According to marketing manager at the school, Frankie Cilliers, Williams is leading the school into becoming a leader in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” She is vibrant, innovative and forward-thinking and believes that if your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough,” said Cilliers.

“During her short time as principal she has already created fantastic initiatives, including virtual parent meetings, virtual assemblies, and weekly virtual support check-ins with our school psychologist- these support sessions were entirely her idea and together, these are just some of the great projects she initiated.” The marketing manager added that during the support sessions, the school psychologist focused on the emotional well-being of learners as well as staff.

Williams believes that as much as technology is important, especially during the pandemic, the school should place great emphasis in ensuring that learners and staff are able to navigate challenges. The school’s foundations should be built on the emotional well-being of all.”You can only imagine the great challenges she is faced with, being a newly appointed principal, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, however, she is steadfast and is doing a sterling job,” said Cilliers.

The school governing body (SGB) chairperson, Dr Manessah Alagbaoso quoted the late Nelson Mandela who said, “There is no passion to be found playing small ? in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”Alagbaoso noted that a new era had dawned at Saxonwold Primary, an era of re-imagined thinking, possibility and innovation. The chairperson said, “On behalf of the school’s SGB, staff, parents, learners and the whole Saxonwold Primary community, we wish to congratulate Mrs Williams on her appointment as the new principal of our ‘bold and significant’ school.

“We are confident that she will successfully steer us in our goal to become a leader in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and wish her all the best.”

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