
Dunkeld Bowls Club is ready

DUNKELD – Any equipment that was used by more than one person was sanitised between uses, including scoreboards, jacks, bowling mats, and even pens.

The lockdown has hit Dunkeld Bowls Club hard financially and the club’s members cannot wait for it to open, but there has been a silver lining in the lack of use of the greens, and bowls is the perfect sport to play post-lockdown.

Club president, Chad Joseph told Rosebank Killarney Gazette that the club, with about 40 members, normally benefits from hosting events and the catering that comes with that. With this loss of income, as well as a few members struggling to pay their monthly fees due to economic constraints, the club has had to ask the government for financial support, just like many sports clubs across Joburg have had to.

“We have asked members if possible to pay for the rest of the season and about 40 per cent of them have,” Joseph explained.” This has helped us pay our staff, pay for electricity and feed the pets we have on-premises. We know this is a difficult time for many people and we are grateful for the support.”

He said members who had paid their fees for the rest of the season would not be subjected to any increase in fees the club may have to consider going forward. “We have kept the greens manicured and they look superb. I have been there as greenkeeper at least once per week and my assistant greenkeeper has helped when I was not there.”

A silver lining from this predicament, Joseph said, was that the maintenance of the two greens, without people playing on them, means they will stay in great condition for longer and may not need any serious work for the next few months.

“I have played a lot of sports and there is nothing better than bowls. I think people will enjoy taking up the sport after the lockdown.” He said even before the lockdown, the club implemented strict hygienic measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Any equipment that was used by more than one person was sanitised between uses, including scoreboards, jacks, bowling mats and even pens.Joseph promised the club would ensure perfect hygienic measures when it is allowed to open.

Details: Dunkeld Bowls Club 083 376 6000.

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