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Waverly Girls’ School drop on their matric results

WAVERLY – The school blames a high rate of absenteeism on their matric results outcome.

There’s good news and bad news in Waverly Girls’ High School matric pass rate.

Unfortunately, it dropped by 5 per cent compared to 2016. The school on Athol Street achieved a 91 per cent pass rate compared to 95 per cent the previous year.

This according to the deputy principal, Angela Wanckel during the collection of matric results on 5 January. She blamed absenteeism on the drop, saying it played a significant role. “Some of our schoolchildren stayed away from school on so many occasions, thus we dropped,” said the deputy principal.

Waverly Girls’ High School principal Milton Seopa congratulate Basetsana Morele as the top achiever.

She, however, said they are still excited about the overall performance, especially with the number of distinctions and bachelor passes the children achieved.

The school obtained a 39 per cent bachelor pass rate, a 38 per cent diploma pass as well as a 14 per cent higher certificate.

School governing body member Phindi Ndlela congratulate matric 2017 top achiever at Waverly Girls’ High School Basetsana Morele on her sterling results.

They got 21 distinctions in life orientation, 11 distinctions in history, and they have two distinctions in accounting.

Wanckel counted one distinction in mathematics, another in physical science and another one in tourism, and then two distinctions in Afrikaans.

“We had six of our children who failed maths and science. We also had one progressed learner who unfortunately failed,” said Wanckel.

Waverly Girls’ School’s top achiever is Basetsana Morle with four distinctions in maths, physical science, life orientation as well as accounting.

Waverly Girls’ High School matriculants Punashe Magudu and Musadi Bukasa are excited about their matric results and plan to further their studies.

The young girl from Alexandra attributed her success to hard work, support and mostly the right mindset. “This has been my goal since the beginning of the year, that I need to get at least four As – and I did,” said a delighted Basetsana. She said she will study towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Science Accounting at Wits University.

Musadi Bukasa, is one of the matriculants who expressed her excitement about her results. She got three distinctions – for Afrikaans, life orientation and history. “I’m very much excited and this proves that God is really great,” she said.

“The only worry is with my life sciences because I got 79 per cent – only short of 1 per cent to get a distinction.”

Musadi plans to study towards a public health tertiary qualification or physiology.

Details: Waverly Girls’ High School 011 786 0863.

Read: WATCH: Top matriculants awarded

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