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Transforming bowls to appeal to the youth

LOMBARDY EAST – A local bowls club is inspiring the youth to play lawn bowls.

A few individuals from Soweto are revitalising the sport of lawn bowls at Lombardy East Bowls Club and seek to create interest among the youth.

Desiree Levin, a Lombardy East Bowls Club member said, “We want to encourage the youth to be excited about the sport of bowls. “We are changing the format to make it less of a five-day cricket match and more of a 20/20 game, meaning we want to make shorter games and make it more challenging and exciting.

“We are throwing out those rules and looking for more energy. We are also encouraging more spectators to come along and join in on the fun.”

According to Levin, not only are the rules of bowls being turned on their head, but a new mindset of embracing the digital age and knowing the importance of promoting bowls through social media is being created.

“There are a lot of exciting projects coming up and we are looking forward to what this will mean for the youth of today and the sport of bowls. We will be streaming our matches live. As always, we encourage the whole community to take an interest and support this wonderful game.”

Read: Charitable bowls message to community

What is your opinion on bowls as a youngster? Can we change the image of the sport and embrace this new change? Tell us your thoughts on 079 439 5345.

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