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Concerned resident warns others following attack on daxie

SANDRINGHAM – Resident urges pet safety following vicious attack on her dachshund.

A Sandringham dog owner was left distraught following a brutal attack on her daxie recently, leaving the animal badly injured.

The shocking incident allegedly took place on 6 October when, according to Robyn Levy, her dog was viciously mauled just outside her driveway. “This dog, presumably a pitbull-cross boerboel, was being walked by its owner and upon seeing my daxie, named Tazz, proceeded to attack him and left him badly injured,” Levy alleged.

“It was a struggle to get the dog to release Tazz, despite efforts from all parties, and it was clear that the owner was unable to control his dog despite it being on a leash.”

A distraught Levy then rushed Tazz to the local veterinarian, where he had to get 30 stitches, and added that the dog’s owner allegedly refused to give his details.

Tazz, the victim of an attack by another pet, before the attack.
Tazz, the victim of an attack by another pet, before the attack.

She then contacted the local SPCA, who told her to open a case and it was then that she went to the Sandringham Police Station to open it. “When I got to the station, it was a hassle opening the case and I was told by the officer on duty that there wasn’t much of a case, which I find unbelievable,” she explained.

“I wanted to make this public because the dog is clearly a hazard to the community, especially since it’s impossible to control, and is more likely to attack other pets and children in the area, so steps should be taken to control it.”

Speaking on the matter was Stephen Maila, an inspector with the Sandton and Eastern Metro SPCA, who sympathised with Levy but explained that such attacks, while unfortunate, could often be the result of an honest mistake rather than intentional.

He, however, added that even if the attack was a mistake, she could still open a case of damage at her local police station. “If the owner, however, feels that the attack was intentional, she can still open a case, as this would be a violation of the Animal Protection Act, and the police would then have to investigate,” he explained.

The injured Tazz following an attack by a pitbull-cross, which resulted in him getting 30 stitches.
The injured Tazz following an attack by a pitbull-cross, which resulted in him getting 30 stitches.

Speaking on the alleged reluctance by the Sandringham police to open a case, Maila explained that, in such an instance, the police would then need to explain why they were reluctant to do so, as the onus was on them to open one and look into the matter.

Maila concluded by stressing the importance of maintaining pet safety by ensuring pets remained on a secure leash in public spaces.

By the time of publication, Sandringham Police Station was unable to comment on the matter.

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