
Norwood CPF highlights racial concerns

NORWOOD – Have you attended any public community meeting in your area which brought up racial concerns?

Following a public community meeting, the Norwood Community Police Forum (CPF) raised a lot of concerns regarding racial issues.

The chairperson of the forum, Stanley Letsoalo, said they cannot turn a blind eye to the racial element which was raised in the meeting.

“As the Community Policing Forum, we are concerned about this issue as it is two-fold – a political fold and also historical inheritance of not accepting that democracy is now the order of the day,” Letsoalo said.

Letsoalo said they are going to follow up on the matter and ensure that they follow the Constitution as it speaks volumes on the issue of race.

Among other issues that were raised was the issue of police brutality, and the CPF was quick to condemn such action.

“We cannot condone police brutality and it is a matter that we, as the Community Policing Forum, are highly concerned about, especially if ordinary members of the community are brutalised by the very same people who are entrusted with the responsibility of protecting [them],” expressed Letsoalo.

He also urged the community to actively participate in programmes which are launched by the forum in the fight against crime.

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