
Police catch two muggers with firearms

HILLBROW - Just as the streets of Hillbrow began to quieten down at about 7.30pm on 25 August, Hillbrow police found themselves in a chase after a mugging.

Two suspects were arrested after a woman approached police officers who were on patrol, saying she had been mugged. The officers began searching the area and noticed three men behaving suspiciously and gave chase.

Sergeant Mduduzi Zondo from Hillbrow Police Station said, “Upon catching the suspects, police officers searched them and managed to recover two unlicensed firearms.”

The third suspect managed to flee the scene and remains at large. The victim’s personal belongings were not recovered.

Zondo said two 9mm pistols and ammunition were found on the suspects. The suspects are believed to be 19 and 22 years old.

The suspects will appear in court soon.

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