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Fitness expert Lisa Raleigh shares exercises for the lockdown period

PARKHURST – Parkhurst resident and fitness expert Lisa Raleigh shares some exercises you can do at home during lockdown.

Fitness expert Lisa Raleigh shared some exercises for community members to follow during the lockdown period.

Try these cardio moves to get your heart rate up (sets take around 10 minutes and can be used together or separately as part of a warm-up or workout):

1. Stair climbing – If you have stairs in your house, climb them as fast as you can, at least five to six times as a warm-up and then again during your workout.

2. On the spot – Complete 30 seconds of jumping jacks, followed by a minute of ‘mock’ skipping, then 30 seconds of running on the spot for a total of two minutes. Take a minute break in-between and repeat five times.

3. Passage sprints – run as fast as you can from one side of the passage to the other. Or better yet, if you have a garden, do this outdoors. You can do this for 10 to 15 minutes, with a two-minute break in-between.

4. Long skips – Practise long skips from one side of your bedroom to the other, making sure to swing your arms and lift your knees. Try complete five sets of one-minute skips, then take a two-minute break and repeat.

5. Running on the spot with butt kicks – make sure to lift your knees as high as you can when you run on the spot for one minute, then complete one minute of butt kicks. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat four to five times.

6. Four square circuit – Divide the room into four corners. Start in the middle of the room.

  •  Run to the first corner. Do five jumps. Run back to the centre of the room
  •  Run to the second corner. Complete five to 10 squats. Run back to the centre
  •  Run to the third corner. Do five push ups and five lunges. Run back to the centre
  •  Run to the fourth corner. Do five to 10 sit ups followed by five squat jumps. Run back to the middle
  •  Repeat the exercise three to four times.

Six great moves to build strength:

1. Squats

Squats.Photo: Supplied
  •  Stand with feet, hip width apart, and arms crossed out in front of you
  •  Lower into a squat position, making sure to keep your back straight and your heels flat on the floor. Then rise back up to starting position
  •  Your knees shouldn’t extend passed your toes
  •  Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

2. Forearm plank with forward reach

Forearm plank with reverse lift. Photo: Supplied
  •  Go into a plank position, making sure your body is in a straight line, and you’re resting on your elbows and toes
  •  As you maintain this position, lift your left arm straight in front of you. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, then swap to the other arm and hold for 10 to 20 seconds
  •  Hold this move for 30 to 60 seconds. Then repeat three times.

3. Reverse lunge and lift (photo attached)

  •  Start with feet, hip width apart, and hands on your hips
  •  Slowly lower your left leg into a back lunge position, making sure to keep your hips stable, and your right knee parallel to the floor
  •  Once your left knee is close to, or touches the floor, rise up and lift that same left leg so that you complete the move with a knee lift

q Repeat on the other side to complete a total of 10 reps on each side (20 in total). Repeat this sequence twice.

4. Push ups

Push ups Photo: Supplied
  •  Go into a push up position, making sure to keep your legs, back and arms straight
  •  Bending your elbows and keeping your back straight, lower your chest down to the ground as far as you can go, then rise again to starting position
  •  Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Note: You can do a modified move by doing a push up on your knees rather than keeping your legs straight.

5. Scissors

Scissors.Photo: Supplied
  •  Lie flat on your back with legs slightly raised and arms at your sides
  •  Try to keep your legs straight and move them so that your top foot is above the other and so on
  •  Make sure to contract your abdominal muscles throughout this move and avoid straining your neck or shoulders
  •  Complete this move for 30 seconds, then rest and repeat three more times.

6. Tricep dipsTricep dips.Photo: Supplied

Note: You can use a bench, the couch or a chair for this move.

  •  Start in a semi-seated position with your heels on the ground and straighten your arms, keeping a slight bend in your elbows
  •  Lower your body down to the floor until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle, then rise back up to the start position
  •  It’s important that you don’t lock your elbows or tense your shoulders. Focus on engaging your triceps throughout this move
  •  Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

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Covid-19: Lisa Raleigh shares tips to keep healthy during lock-down

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