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Guild Cottage thanks local community for their support

PARKTOWN – The home for sexually abused girls extends their thanks to a number of businesses, foundations and individuals who have donated and helped to improve the home.


The Guild Cottage in Parktown would like to thank businesses, foundations and individuals who have extended a helping hand to support the home for sexually abused girls in recent months.

The specialised centre opened in 1907 as a home for orphans and mothers of displaced children as a result of the Anglo-Boer War and adapted in the early 80s to become a specialised short-term treatment centre for sexually abused children. In 2015, Guild Cottage again adapted to accommodate only girl survivors of sexual abuse from all population groups.

They currently care for 12 girls, but their home can cater for up to 18 children.

Director Celiwe Ngwenya said, “The saying that it takes a village to raise a child is relevant for us. We see that happening here where the local community is reaching out and we are so grateful that they are willing to help.”

Executive director of Guild Cottage Celiwe Ngwenya stands outside the home where a gazebo is being erected and a new volleyball net has been donated thanks to generous supporters. Photo: Sarah Koning

In the past few months, they have received security upgrades, new flooring in their lounge, school uniforms, homework assistants, tree fellers and a number of other forms of assistance from the community.

Ngwenya said, “It’s difficult to mention each individual, but we are thankful for all the support.”

A few of the businesses and individuals Ngwenya sought to highlight included Special Steels (who donated uniforms and Christmas gifts), Robson Savage (who donated fencing, tree felling and a new gazebo for the children to play under outdoors), NYPD Armed Protection (who supports them with security and will visit on Nelson Mandela Day), Rotary Sandton (who donated new flooring for the lounge and library), Dena Hannoch of Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg (who donated paint) and Toyota Bruma (who donated car services and winter sleepwear for the girls).

“These people help our girls to feel loved and grounded. It’s amazing to notice the amount of kind people out there. It makes our home feel less institution-like and more homely,” said Ngwenya.

Guild Cottage was also pleased to see eight of their girls go home for the recent June holidays and wished to extend their thanks to various host families who have taken in girls over weekends and holiday periods.

Rotary Sandton generously donated new flooring for the lounge/ library area at Guild Cottage. Photo: Sarah Koning

“When I arrived last year, we had nine girls who couldn’t go out for the holidays. We have worked well with case managers outside to reunify girls with their families.”

Ngwenya said while they were grateful for the support from the community, there were still ongoing needs. Some of these included winter clothing, non-perishable food items, office paper and volunteers who were willing to become host families.

Details: 011 726 2102.

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