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#Parkhurst: Be a part of building a better future for our children

PARKHURST – Volunteer to assist Parkhurst Primary pupils to read.


Calling on all community members with an hour and a half to spare once a week to assist struggling learners to read.

Educational psychologist and volunteer at Parkhurst Primary School Harriet Leisegang is looking for willing volunteers who are committed to helping young children succeed.

Leisegang started a reading programme at the school for Grade 3 learners five years ago, assisting 75 children once a week through reading sessions.

“Half a million children who enter Grade 1 don’t get through to Grade 12 in South Africa. Many of them are at schools like Parkhurst Primary and just need a helping hand to get through and pass,” she said.

Leisegang screens the Grade 3 learners each year to determine whether they need assistance. Struggling learners get graded and read at that level until improvement is noted and then they move on to more difficult books. “I have seen an unbelievable improvement in the children that come through the programme.

“Many of the kids who receive support end up reading better than the kids who are not put through the programme. They learn to love reading.”

Leisegang has been struggling to find committed volunteers who can attend every week to assist the children. People from any walk of life can volunteer. “You don’t need to be a skilled teacher. You just need to be committed.”

Deputy principal at the school Waheeda Mahomed said, “There are no words to explain the impact of Harriet’s work on this school. Her work is amazing and we have seen a remarkable improvement in the kids who have had Harriet’s intervention.

“Volunteering for this programme is a wonderful way to give back to the community and build a better South Africa. Take action and show you care.”

Mahomed said that many community members think that because the school is in Parkhurst, they are well-off and do not need help from the community. This, however, is not the case as many kids who attend the school come from families who struggle financially.

If you are able to volunteer or want to learn more about the programme, email Harriet on harrietleisegang.associates@gmail.com


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