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Twelve years of service for Parkview Residents’ Association

PARKVIEW – The PRA marketing manager reflects on the association's achievements and progress since its inception twelve years ago.


An association that caters to the needs of residents has been running for as long as 12 years.

This is the Parkview Residents’ Association’s (PRA’s) and one of its founding members, responsible for marketing, communication and funding, Theresa Gibbon, shares some of her experiences.

The married mother of two said she loves being involved in what happens in her community and her mother who has been a volunteer at Melville Koppies for 24 years is her role model.

“My job entails working with residents, the councillor, schools, estate agents, other residents’ associations and also the various local government agencies,” said Gibbon, who added that the challenges were a lot less now, what with a functioning local government.

“We have a great relationship with the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) and Pikitup and we are able to get things done without having to go via the call centre.”

The PRA member said she loved the fact that Parkview and Greenside East residents are so responsive and kind. They proved this by donating clothing, meals and even a cottage for a few nights after a resident’s home burnt down.

“When we did the storm drain clear-ups, I’d ask for donations of money or lunch and for the over 20 sessions we did, we always had someone dropping off lunch for the team of four,” said Gibbon who added that she enjoyed working with the different and dynamic PRA Exco and subcommittee members who all do so much for their community.

Looking at upcoming projects, Gibbon said the PRA was in the process of revamping the Gleneagles/Derry intersection, which should be completed by September.

“Rasta Park’s revamps have been made possible by hefty donations from the Greenside Shul and Tyson Properties. There are other PRA Exco members involved in the huge job of Heritage and Town Planning and we should all applaud them in protecting Parkview’s gorgeous homes,” she said.

Gibbon said she was part of the team of residents who launched Safe Parkview and Fibre to the Home to the community, which was the second community in the country to be linked-up. She added that she was pleased with the fact that their Halloween parties were always so enthusiastically well attended by residents and friends.

She said, “We have also had two literary festivals, ParkWords, which were well received. The third one should take place on 24 September 2019.”

Details: Parkview Residents’ Association www.parkview.org.za

Send your resident’s association’s activities to naidines@caxton.co.za

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