
#ICYMI: Rolex Gang behind another two robberies

ILLOVO – The Rolex Gang are believed to be behind another two robberies in northern suburbs.

Police are investigating two armed robberies which took place in the northern suburbs, which have allegedly been committed by the Rolex Gang.

Parkview Police Station warned the public last week that they believed the Rolex Gang were once again operating in the area, following three separate incidents.

On 27 January an armed robbery occurred in Illovo when a man was threatened by an armed suspect who demanded his valuables.

Captain Molefe Mogodi, the spokesperson for the Bramley Police Station, said, “The suspect was not arrested and the police are investigating the matter.”

It is believed the man escaped in a white Mercedes AMG 45.

In a separate incident, another man was robbed at gunpoint on 28 January in the parking garage at Melrose Arch.

Jolin Majmin had just parked his car at Melrose Arch and was unstrapping his daughter from her car seat when a man approached him with a gun.

Majmin said while one man held him at gunpoint, another man held up the security guard and a third man was waiting in a Mercedes.

“They took my watch and my phone. They wanted my car as well and I said they can take it, but let me get my daughter out first,” said Majmin.

However, the men fled with just his Rolex and his phone. The men were wearing balaclavas at the time.

Mike Vermaak, the managing director of Melrose Arch said, “It is suspected that the victim was followed from the Sandton CBD to Melrose Arch by three armed men who police believe to be part of a syndicate.”

Vermaak said that the guard nearby was unarmed and did not react defensively as this may have aggravated the situation. “The incident took place in less than one minute and the robbers escaped via a waiting vehicle. Melrose Arch is working closely with the SAPS regarding this incident.”

Vermaak also added that Melrose Arch would like to assure customers and tenants that their safety and security is of utmost priority at all times.

Are you worried about the reappearance of the Rolex Gang? Share your thoughts with us on the Rosebank Killarney Gazette Facebook page.

Parkview Police Station
Bramley Police Station

Also read:
Parkview police warns of reappearance of Rolex Gang
Man shot and robbed after inviting a man he met on social media into his home

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