
Lower Houghton Residents Association needs more volunteers

HOUGHTON – Some members of the association are stepping down in October and more volunteers will be needed to continue the work.


The Lower Houghton Residents Association is seeking additional committee members and volunteers to assist them in the various roles that the association plays.

The association is a volunteer organisation with three main objectives: Managing new developments (adhering to the precinct plan), safety and security, and creating a clean and beautiful environment.

The association provides a valuable service to residents which often goes unnoticed, said Nikki Burghin, the administrator for the association.

“Many residents are unaware of our clean-up campaign and the various efforts undertaken to communicate with residents for funds and assistance. All improvements ultimately contribute to the appeal of the suburb for residents and homeowners,” said Burghin.

Natalie Webb, from the residents association, added, “The association needs additional committee members and volunteers to assist in building a new vision and executing the objectives. Some of us will be stepping down from October.

“As residents, we recognise that members are volunteers who are not paid to fulfil their roles but to do what they can in between full-time jobs and other important commitments. The more volunteers we have, the more we can do and the broader the skill-sets from which to draw and the sooner we can begin [to] focus on other important objectives besides cleaning the streets. There is a lot of development and densification, particularly on the western side of Houghton and we need a team to check that developments fall within the agreed framework, and by-laws adhered to. ”

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The association will host its annual general meeting on Thursday 5th October at 6.30 pm at the Houghton Golf Club where the outgoing committee will be reporting back and calling for volunteers.

Their main project is the clean-up campaign which ambitiously looks after about 35km of pavement and road verges in the suburb. The campaign, however, needs the continued support of residents in order to continue.

“The Committee needs support and donations to do the work they have planned for the year but this is not sustainable without community involvement. It’s time to stop neglecting the suburb and get involved by keeping your own verge clean and by supporting those who have the time and energy,” said Burghin.

If you would like to get involved you can contact Nikki Burgin on 087 354 3738 or email for information on volunteering or assisting in any way.

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