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Parkview Police Station has a new domestic violence coordinator

PARKVIEW – Parkview police's domestic violence coordinator, Constable Romatia Xongani Muthuzi will be able to handle all domestic violence related issues.


Parkview Police Station has introduced its new domestic violence coordinator Constable Romatia Xongani Muthuzi. Muthuzi will be handling all domestic violence related issues at the station.

Domestic violence is often thought to only include physical violence, however, Captain Tintswalo Sibeko, the spokesperson for the station, said it often varied in nature and frequency. Domestic violence could include sexual abuse, physical abuse, damage to property or something the victim values, stalking or emotional abuse. Sibeko added that this could also include economic abuse whereby another person keeps money from you which you were legally entitled to.

“It can be any other controlling or abusive behaviour which poses a threat to your safety, health or well-being,” said Sibeko.

Domestic violence can occur between a married couple, parents, guardians, children or family members. It can also happen between people who have lived together or dated, regardless of the period of time.

“If you are being abused you have the right to apply for a protection order at the nearest police station or magistrate’s court or lay a criminal charge at the police station and apply for a protection order.”

A protection order will be issued by a court ordering the person with whom the victim has had a relationship with to stop the abuse. It can also prevent the person from getting another person to commit acts of domestic abuse. An interim protection order can be issued at any time of the day.

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Sibeko said anyone who was a victim of domestic abuse could apply for a protection order including children. If a child is too young to apply for a protection order a parent, guardian or any person acting on behalf of someone who is responsible for them may apply for it.

“As police officials, we will treat victims with respect and protect your dignity, listen to what victims have to say, not insult or blame or suggest that it was their own fault that they were abused, assist you with empathy and care and inform victims of their rights and options.”

The police will also be able to inform you of support services, alternate shelters, counselling services and medical assistance.

“We will ensure that a medical officer collects and records any medical evidence in support of a criminal charge and we will go with you to your home when you need to collect personal belongings if this is provided for in a protection order that has been issued.”

You can contact Parkview Police Station on 011 486 5000 or 011 067 6000.

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