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Residents are unhappy about a 30m high cell tower in Craighall Park

CRAIGHALL PARK – Residents are unhappy about a cell tower which is being built in their area

The erection of a massive cell tower is causing much dismay to Craighall Park residents.

It is currently in the process of being erected on the same premises as the Old Apostolic Church of South Africa in Buckingham Avenue, Craighall Park.

The cell tower, is about 30m high and approximately the same height as a 10-storey building. Residents in the area have all voiced their opposition to the tower being built but feel their cries have fallen on deaf ears.

One of the infuriated residents, Georgie Bowden said there are a few reasons why residents are strongly opposing the tower being built. Some of these reasons include damage to property value, noise levels, the three schools on their road and, there is already a smaller booster tower on the corner of Richmond and Buckingham avenues, about 50m from the proposed site.

“We have attempted to engage with the church who initially promised us they would pull out of the agreement with the tower company and have subsequently gone back on their word. The members of the church do not live on the property, they merely attend church on Sundays and one or two meetings in the evenings during the week,” said Bowden.

She added that the church stands to receive a monthly fee from the tower company and as far as residents understand they have already been receiving this fee since the beginning of the year, without the tower being built. “To say that we are disappointed in the church’s attitude and enraged by the process is an understatement.”

The Gazette spoke to Atlas Towers about residents opposing the tower. The company confirmed that they have followed all the legal processes. “We confirm that Atlas Tower followed the procedure as outlined and requested by the municipality and accordingly the municipality approved our building plan,” said Henco Pretorius, from the Atlas Tower’s legal department.

Another concerned resident, Colleen Fandam whose bedroom is a few metres away from the tower told the Gazette that not all the neighbours had received a registered letter from the City Of Johannesburg.

“Every neighbour, as well as the Craighall Residents Association, objected. Our objection included noise (the base station hums all the time), which will be more apparent at night as there is no other noise and could affect our sleep. We already have a well-established fibre network and with people moving to data calls this tower is old technology and could soon be obsolete. The City does not accept objections relating to health concerns or visual impact, even though we feel these are relevant,” said Fandam.

She explained that residents also never received a notification that their objections had been overruled by the City. A few neighbours also confirmed this.

“There are a number of parks and commercial properties in the area that could be alternative sites. Erecting the tower in one of these areas would not affect property values as well as limit the visual impact and possible health risks,” she explained.

Charles Shapiro commented on behalf of the church and told the Gazette they had been in communication with residents. He said they were served papers from the court that the tower was permitted to be on the premises. “The church did all that they could. We informed community members that they could oppose the court application, however, they were not prepared to fund the action.”

“In desperation, we even approached Atlas Towers and requested that they move the tower to the back of the church property and build a wall around it to limit the noise and assist with the visual impact, the refused,” added Fandam.

She further added that ward councillors have been of no assistance.

Ward 90 councillor, Martin Williams said he has done a thorough investigation into the matter. “The public participation took place before my term and was signed off then. Also, as a councillor, I can’t go against a legal contract. I want to make it known that I am not for or against residents. I have tried to help and have asked for the record of decision to see who signed it off but I am still waiting for answers and I am still pursuing it.”


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