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Union of Jewish Women Johannesburg holds its 85th AGM to highlight its success

HOUGHTON – The AGM celebrated the success of the Union of Jewish Women and celebrated the hard-working volunteers.


The Union of Jewish Women Johannesburg hosted its 85th Annual General Meeting on 10 May at its offices in Houghton.

Executive director, Cindy Kree, gave a comprehensive overview of the many successful ongoing projects of the union. These included the Kosher Mobile Meals, the House and Garden Circle, the Adult Education Programme, Brain Boost Stimulation Group, the Sewing School, its Granny Headed Households Feeding Scheme, Alexandra Aftercare and other feedings schemes. Kree thanked volunteers and donors whose involvement and generosity enabled the union to succeed in all its projects and functions.

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The union’s upcoming events and projects, which hold the promise of an exceptional and exciting year ahead, were also mentioned. Kree made specific mention of the Mandela Day project Bags for New Beginnings, which will be launched as a long-term project and she also announced that the union’s fundraiser for the following year would be the showing of the award-winning musical, The Color Purple, to be held in February.

Kree reflected on the importance and the value of volunteers to the organisation, and how the work done by the union could not have been completed without the commitment and dedication of each volunteer. Miriam Isaacs was awarded the Volunteer of the Year award for her commitment and dedication to the union’s Alexandra Aftercare.

The national director of the South African Zionist Foundation, Nicci Raz saluted the union for the extensive work it did and thanked the organisation for the support it had given to the foundation. National director of the Johannesburg Women’s Benevolent society, Maureen Disler brought greetings on behalf of all the other Jewish women’s organisations, and congratulated the union on its wonderful achievements.

Cindy Kree, Executive Director of UJW and Tali Nates, guest speaker at the 85th annual general meeting. Photo: Supplied.

Guest speaker, Tali Nates, gave a fascinating and informative talk on Remembering the Holocaust and the Rwandan Genocide. She stressed the importance of learning about the past in order to stop history from repeating itself, something that everyone should do but which was always accompanied by its own challenges.

She also spoke on the newly opened Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre in Parktown, and extended an invitation to all present to visit the centre although it had not yet had its official opening.


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