
Johannesburg firefighters put their skills and fitness to the test at Northview Fire Station

JOHANESBURG – Joburg firefighters recently tested their skills in a competition at Northview Fire Station.


Firefighters from all over Johannesburg proved their strength in a competition at Northview Fire Station where their skills and fitness levels were tested in real-life firefighting conditions.

The firefighters who took part in the challenge.

The intense training competition will see the contenders team up to compete for a prestigious title on provincial and then national level.

Nana Radebe, spokesperson for the Johannesburg Emergency Management Services, explained that the challenge was open to any firefighter from Joburg. If the firefighter wanted to put him or herself to the test, they signed up to compete. She added that this challenge is an annual one.

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Among the firefighters and emergency medical technicians was Thokozani Mkhize, who stood the test of a combination of sessions.

Firefighters had to battle it out in a dark, enclosed compartment, climb up a five-storey building and pull up a heavy hosepipe, move a heavy piece of wood for about one-and-a-half meters using a heavy-duty hammer and demonstrate their ability to control a firefighter’s hosepipe used to extinguish a fire.

A firefighter gets timed during the challenge.

Mkhize, originally from Hunters Hill Firefighters Station in Northgate, said the most difficult part of their showcase was moving the piece of wood with a hammer. “That was the most challenging one, however, it was a worthwhile training [session] that will certainly help us as we prepare to compete at the next level.

“It actually pushes you to work hard and it also improves your state of readiness when you face the actual incidents where you have to apply yourself fully,” he said.

The competition was organised by City of Johannesburg Emergency Management Services. Firefighters from different stations were selected to participate in the endurance test to prove that they are the best for the provincial firefighter’s competition to be held later this year. Provincial winners will go through to the national competition.

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