
Statue stolen from Zoo Lake

PARKVIEW – Moyo Zoo Lake general manager Brain Bridle said he was very disappointed with the recent theft of a statue which was situated outside the popular restaurant.

According to Bridle, the statue was stolen in the early hours of the morning on 7 February.

He said the statue was made by the late Rhona Gorvy, who was commissioned by the original owner of the Moyo brand.

“The statue was [part of three sculptures], and the family of the late artist made a plaque last year in honour of her. It [plaque] was mounted onto one of the sculpture’s and that is the one that was stolen. We are very disappointed that the statue has disappeared, it was not only important to us but also to the people using the park,” said Bridle.

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The Zoo Lake Users Committee are most perturbed to learn of the theft of one of the three statues.

“It is most concerning that this type of criminal activity is taking place at Zoo Lake. The Zoo Lake Users Committee is in consultation with the City with regard to an increase of security at Zoo Lake, We appeal to anyone who has any knowledge about the statute to contact Brian,” said Fran Haslam, chairperson of Zoo Lake Users Committee.


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