
DSJ is the best

PARKTOWN – The Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg shares their good news.

The Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg (DSJ) is proud to announce that it was named as one of two contenders for the prestigious Deutsche Schulpreis for German schools abroad.

School principal Thomas Bachmeier said the Deutsche Schulpreis was established in 2006. “It is considered as the most important ‘stamp of approval’ for German schools abroad and is supported by the Robert-Bosch Foundation, the Heidehof Foundation, Stern Magazine and the ARD [German National TV],” he said.

Bachmeir also mentioned that in Germany it was often referred to as the ‘Oscars of schools awards’.

Late last year, the DSJ submitted a 70-page entry document. After an initial selection process, they were named as one of three top candidates in the competition at the end of January this year.

A jury arrived in Johannesburg just three days after the announcement was made and put the school through its paces during a thorough inspection based on the following criteria: performance/output, diversity, educational quality, social responsibility, quality of school life and the overall standing of the facility as a place of learning.

After all three schools were visited, the jury deliberated and finally made their decision that the DSJ and the Deutsche Schule Lima were the two best candidates for this year.

A small delegation representing the DSJ will travel to Berlin to attend a ceremony on 8 June. The ceremony will be televised on German TV and the winner will be announced by either Chancellor Angela Merkel or Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Bachmeier said being named as one of two top German schools abroad had immense financial benefits but more importantly, it recognised the all-round achievements of the DSJ and the immense contribution of the whole school community. “We look forward to travelling to Germany and claiming the main prize,” he concluded.

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