
LETTER: Praise for Parkview police

Mike and Morag Phillips write:

My husband and I were held up at Zoo Lake four weeks ago where our lovely stroll around the lake turned into a traumatic robbery at gunpoint. We’d like to focus on and recognise the amazing work done by the team at Parkview Police Station.

We went straight to the police station after the incident, and three hours later, two of the three robbers were apprehended in Hillbrow. The police team pursued a lead from our iPhone tracking device, and their persistence, patience and experience enabled them to be successful.

We were very impressed with their professionalism and their dedication, with two of the team members working out of [office] hours just to facilitate the apprehension of the criminals. Three days after the event, the third suspect was arrested and the buyer of my husband’s stolen wedding ring facilitated as a witness against the criminal.

We are very grateful to the team at Parkview Police Station. We don’t envy your job, but we appreciate your absolute dedication and professionalism. Thank you for helping us!

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