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Zoo Lake’s decaying trees cut down

PARKVIEW - The upgrading of Zoo Lake is underway and trees are currently being cut down and removed.

According to Frances Haslam, chairperson of the Zoo Lake Users Group, the trees that are being cut down at Zoo Lake are the ones that are old and have decayed over time. Some of the old trees have fallen over into the lake and pose a danger to people visiting the park.

“We are cutting down old trees to give space for fresh new ones that are yet to be planted. We are not cutting down all the trees, some of them will be trimmed,” said Haslam.

The group, in partnership with City Parks, is planning to have a tree planting initiative in September and wants to get the local schools involved. “We hope that the community will get involved in the tree planting initiative,” said Haslam

Details: Zoo Lake Users Group 011 646 6245.

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