
Enter St Vincent School’s dance competition

MELROSE - The first-ever inter-school dance competition will be hosted at St Vincent School for the Deaf on 23 September.


September is always a special month at St. Vincent School, not only is it Deaf Awareness Month, but it is also the month of Heritage Day.

Both are exciting days in the Deaf Community, as members celebrate their heritage and their culture and are able to share that with the hearing community.

The inter-school dance competition will be held this year to coincide with the September celebrations during school hours.

The aim of the event is to raise money for the school’s drama club, but it is also an opportunity for broader engagement with the community.

Kelly Naude, the event organiser, said, “Hosting an event that mixes deaf and hearing pupils is such a great way for pupils and teachers to enjoy social interaction, cultural awareness and begin to grasp each others’ languages.”

“The fact that this is a dance competition is even better, because pupils are using their bodies to express their emotions, stories and their cultural backgrounds, while getting off the couch and into shape,” said Naude.

Entries are open for all categories. Age groups are divided into foundation phase, intermediate phase and high school.

Dances can be solo, in couples or in groups. Any dance genre is permitted and should be stated on the entry form.

Entries close end of July and are R100 per dance entered and there are prizes per winner, as well as a best overall dancer per phase and genre.

Details: Email Kelly Naude at

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