
VW Polos targeted by criminals

Parksec’s annual security feedback revealed that VW Polos are vehicles targeted by criminals.

Members of the Parkview Police were present at the annual security meeting held at Parktown North for two days.

Parkview police station commander, Colonel Nanda Moodley told the security association that VW Polos were targeted because they are very easy and quick to steal.

“Drivers are advised not to park their cars on the streets,” advised the Colonel.

“In addition to reporting suspicious activity, residents must also be careful not to leave valuables in cars,” Moodley warned.

Moodley spoke of recent crimes incidents which have taken place in the precinct and said home intrusions and robberies are just some of the many opportunistic crimes that have been reported to the station.

He encouraged residents to greet their guests or loved ones inside properties and avoid doing it on the road.

Moodley warned, “Criminals scout the area looking for easy access to properties”.

“As much as SAPS would like to have a policeman on every corner in our area, resourcing doesn’t allow for it so the residents need to help where possible.”

Still on the subject of opportunistic crimes, Moodley cautioned residents to be careful when withdrawing large sums of money because this is often when follow-homes, occur.

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