
Boy uses drums to inspire others

The 12-year-old multi-talented drummer from Florida aims for the sky as he uses his talent for the greater good.

Levano Flank (12) is a musical genius from Florida who recently released a new instrumental single titled Let’s Groove.

The Jazz/ Fusion drummer, according to his parents, has had a passion for drumming since he was a child, with his mother, Juline, describing him as ‘always banging against things in the house’.

Levano Flank doing what he loves.

He joined Gospel Ensemble Musical Academy (GEMA) at the age of five, a music academy based in Horison, and is also a big sports enthusiast and says that his hobbies include playing soccer, rugby, and tennis.

His father, Reinaldo, described his musical ability as a ‘gift from God’ and says that they needed someone serious to develop Levano’s talent. After searching through many musical schools, they found that GEMA resonated much with them.

“We were doing grocery shopping one day and saw a noticeboard, which, now as I think back, was not coincidental. We checked out the place, was welcomed, they did an interview and audition with Levano and the rest, as they say, is history,” Reinaldo said.

His family is from a strong spiritual background and says that it is important for them to nurture and develop Levano’s talent for him to use it within the ‘Kingdom of God’ as they enrolled him in the academy for him to better understand his gift and how he can use it to inspire others.

“As parents, we desire to see him fulfill his musical dream and to use what he has for the betterment of others,” Reinaldo said.

The muso also plays the guitar and spends a lot of time researching and studying beats on YouTube and his parents say that he is very musically inclined. They also cited that Levano will be attending a specialised school next year to further his musical dreams.

Levano’s new single titled Let’s Groove was recorded by Gospel Ensemble Musical Academy (GEMA)

Levano encourages others by urging them to ‘believe in their gift, always follow their dreams, keep pushing and to never give up’. He adds that they should also invest in a good music school and ‘put themselves out there as much as possible’.

He is inspired by a drummer in church, Diego, and looks up to music legend Calvin Rodgers, and says that he sees himself playing on global stages.

His single is available on all streaming platforms.

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