Take all that was learned in 2022 to safely navigate 2023

Each turning of the calendar brings repetitive moments but take heed knowing just as one becomes complacent, a seeming insurmountable obstacle could lay before you.

Jarryd Westerdale writes:
If a path becomes so well walked that it could be done blindfolded, does that imply mastery of one’s surroundings or that the path has become simple and predictable? Does this knowledge of what lies around every corner require purposefully diverting from the path to find a new thrill or stay the course in the comfort that one will be well prepared for the recurring eventualities?

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Each turning of the calendar brings repetitive moments but take heed knowing just as one becomes complacent, a seeming insurmountable obstacle could lay before you. Having the experience of a path walked is a luxury that can be turned into an opportunity. The path may seem the same but the periphery may change, travel knowing that sharper eyes can perceive new delights and determined attitudes can reach new rewards.

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One does not need to rush to the destination but change pace at different times to observe unappreciated vistas. However, no matter what, ignore illusory signposts that may seek to deceive you into following a charlatan. Have a plan of what you want to achieve on your journey and smile knowing any path will do as long as the destination is one to be celebrated. All the best for 2023.

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