What to do if your child is stung by a bluebottle

Blue bottle sting fatalities are extremely rare. However, as with any venomous encounter, some children are vulnerable to severe reactions.

Most families enjoy spending long, lazy days at the beach during the holidays. The infamous bluebottle is one sea creature that can turn your happy beach outing into a misery of tears.

Bluebottles can be found all along the South African coast, and they are especially common during high tides. Bluebottles are frequently mistaken for jellyfish, but they can be distinguished by a small translucent blue bubble attached to some rather long and thin tentacles. Because their toxins differ, bluebottle and jellyfish stings are not treated the same way – so you must be able to identify a bluebottle when you see one!

A bluebottle sting is excruciatingly painful and causes red welts on the skin; if stung multiple times, the pain increases. The most intense pain usually goes away within an hour, but the welts can last up to three days. When the toxin travels to the lymph nodes, complications can occur, causing more severe pain. In these cases, medical attention is required. Blisters may also appear, and welts may leave scars that take years to fade completely.

How to help your child avoid stings

What to do if your child is stung by a bluebottle

Good to know: Never use vinegar to treat a bluebottle sting increases the amount of toxin released.

For pain relief

When you get home, soak the affected area for 30 minutes in warm water with a pinch of salt. Apply a topical anaesthetic cream.

Seek medical attention right away if your child has any of the following symptoms:

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