
Today in History: On this day in 2010, Sony sold the rights to Michael Jackson’s hits

Also on the 16th in 1926 Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-fuel rocket.

2010 – Sony sold the rights to Michael Jackson’s hits and unreleased work
Michael Jackson’s estate has signed the world’s biggest recording contract, nine months after the singer’s death. The $250 million deal for up to ten recordings by 2017 is a huge bet on the singer’s continuing popularity with people who are not familiar with his earlier works. It will give Sony the rights to sell Jackson’s back catalog and previously unreleased tracks, as well as the soundtrack to the concert movie that Jackson was filming when he died. This will also allow Sony the right to exploit his music in video games, amusement park rides, television adverts, memorabilia and a DVD compilation.

1926 – U.S.A. First Rocket Launch
The US professor and scientist Robert Hutchings Goddard, Ph.D. launches the world’s first liquid-fueled rocket.

1948 – Columbia Plane Crash
A plane crashed into a mountain in Columbia. Fourteen lives were lost in this crash. A protestant clergy member and his family were among those on board before this tragedy happened.

1965 – Cancer and Cigarettes
Doctor William K. Kerr of the Toronto’s Department of Surgery reported the first ever biochemical link between cancer and cigarettes. Kerr was one of the groups of scientists who had studied the affects of cigarettes on persons, rather than just researching statistical studies.

2006 – United States National debt raised to 9 trillion dollars
The Senate has voted to raise the national debt ceiling to nearly 9 trillion dollars. This might prevent the first ever default on U.S. Treasury notes. The debt limit increase is the fourth since President Bush took office, and the move will allow the government to continue paying for the more expensive governmental packages, like the war in Iraq, without raising taxes.

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