
Your daily weather update and random facts

Goooood morning!

Here are a few random facts to start your morning off:

  • Earmuffs were invented by a 15-year-old.
  • The heads on Easter Island have bodies
  • The original title forĀ ScreamĀ wasĀ Scary Movie
  • Dolphin calves are typically born tail first, rather than head first, so they donā€™t drown during the birthing process
  • Itā€™s illegal to own only one guinea pig in Switzerland (They get lonely)

Your weather forecast for today:

A minimum of 15Ā°C and a maximum of 27Ā°C

Partial sunshine with a thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon

Sunrise: 6:09 AM

Sunset: 6:25 PM

Weather update by AccuWeather

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