
Your daily weather update and random facts

Goooood morning!

Here are a few random facts to start your morning off:

  • On Good Friday in 1930, the BBC reported, “There is no news.” Instead, they played piano music
  • Cathay Williams became the first African-American woman to serve in the U.S. army in 1866. Since women were barred from joing the military at the time, she enlisted as a man under the pseudonym William Cathay
  • Female cicadas have been known to confuse the roar of power tools for mating calls, sometimes swarming people using lawn mowers
  • When feeding, a hummingbird can lick 10 to 15 times per second
  • A face with big eyes, a small nose, and a small chin exhibits kinderschema: the collection of traits humans have evolved to find adorable

Your weather forecast for today:

A minimum of 15°C and a maximum of 28°C

Sunny to partly cloudy and nice

Sunrise: 6:08 AM

Sunset: 6:27 PM

Weather update by AccuWeather


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