It’s fun to stay at the…

The Village People immortalised the institution in 1978


Being invited to a costume party for New Year, or any time of the year, can be a fairly daunting prospect. That said, there always a few quick fixes to lean on in an emergency.

The cop, the cowboy, the construction worker, the native American, the biker and the soldier are all solid bets that are easy to plan. If you are lucky enough to have the right number of friends, you can package that all into the iconic disco cheese machine, The Village People. Their classic track, YMCA, is almost a certainty on any New Year’s Eve party playlist.

The Young Men’s Christian Association opened its first branch in the United States today in 1851, in Boston, Massachusetts. 127 years later, The Village People released this banger:

So sit back and enjoy this most simplistic yet exhilarating of dance routines. Throw your hands up in the air, and remember – it’s fun to stay at the…

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