We are officially done

This is officially the very last edition of the year.

This is it.

This is officially the very last edition of the year.

As I sit here typing my last editor’s column for the year, my body is aching, I have a splitting headache, I am coughing up a storm and I have no voice. Getting flu just before the Christmas break is absolutely no joke.

But then I believe scientists discovered that women can handle flu much better than men. Apparently the “man flu” (as it is known) really does exist – go figure.

Apparently men have a weaker immune system than women do. Their symptoms are worse and tend to last longer – oh and more men die from flu than women. It is also said that testosterone could dampen the immune system’s response to flu while female sex hormones could actually boost it. Apparently surveys have found that men can take up to twice as long as women to recover from viral illnesses. And then they call women the weaker sex.

I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone of our loyal readers a Merry Christmas. The joy of giving is far more valuable if it is irreplaceable, for example, your time, attention, appreciation, loyalty and love. Money and expensive gifts are sometimes irrelevant. Enjoy the time spent with loved ones, because you never know when it will be their last Christmas.

If you drink, stay at home; if you have to drive, take it easy on the roads, there is no need to rush. If you are leaving for a holiday destination, drive within the speed limit, take enough breaks and enjoy the scenery, if there is any.

I remember as a child my dad would play games in the car with us. It made the long road shorter for us, kept him more alert and left memories that will forever be etched on my mind.

Until next year, take care of one another.


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