Editor's note

Strawberry scented for effect

The Ou Toppie project, which was the initiative of the two men in the office, Riaan van Zyl and Sonwabile Antonie, whose aim was to collect at least 200 parcels to be handed out to some of the needy men in the Roodepoort area, came to a close this past week. And I am very …

The Ou Toppie project, which was the initiative of the two men in the office, Riaan van Zyl and Sonwabile Antonie, whose aim was to collect at least 200 parcels to be handed out to some of the needy men in the Roodepoort area, came to a close this past week. And I am very proud to say we collected more than 160 parcels.

This is the first year that the men will be spoiled and we are hoping to make this a yearly event. “Thank you” doesn’t always seem enough because the generosity of the community has been overwhelming – not only with this project, but earlier this year as well, when the Record collected goods for the Have a Heart Care Centre in Roodepoort CBD.While checking the contents of the parcels to make sure everything we asked for was included, Sony came running into my office, eyes as big as saucers and a huge smile on his face, and handed me a few of Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s infamous strawberry-scented condoms. The very same ones that, as Ramaphosa explained on TV, have a silencing effect and are scented.

The condoms were neatly packaged in with the other goodies. Needless to say, the office erupted with laughter. With three condoms per bag – and no facecloths – the jokes that started flying around are unfortunately not suitable for a family newspaper, but trust me, they will always be remembered.

I am not sure who was so generous, thinking that the ou toppies could still think about that kind of activity, but their inclusion added a real highlight to the project!

Riaan, Sony and I want to thank everybody who contributed so generously to this project. The bags will be handed out as soon as we have a moment to spare.

Until next week, take care of one another.


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