X Make your holiday count – Festive content

Are you really prepared for your holiday? Follow these guidelines.

Festive content
The Festive season is almost here and many people have been planning their end-of-year holiday break for quite some time.

The question is, will you be ready should an emergency arise during your well-deserved holiday?

The Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, reported that the death toll during last year’s festive season increased by 14 per cent – and urged motorists to be careful.

Even though nobody wants to be involved in an emergency, according to the statistics – it will happen. You can decrease the chances of an emergency occurring by ensuring that you are properly prepared for your holiday, and making sure you are equipped to handle it.

Here are some guidelines to ensure you are properly prepared for any emergency situation which might arise while on holiday:

A roadworthy vehicle is not the only requirement. Checking your vehicle against the Automobile Association’s (AA) 52-point plan minimises the risk of a breakdown. This inspection can be done by any reputable service centre.

Pack the following necessities in your car:
– a power bank (in case you are stranded and your cellphone needs an emergency charge)
– a first aid kit
– a fire extinguisher
– a set of reflective warning triangles
– a tyre gauge
– a can of foam tyre sealant
– a set of jumper cables
– a torch, and spare batteries
– a pair of workers’ gloves
– a roll of duct tape
– a tow rope
– a multipurpose utility tool
– a rain poncho
– a supply of drinking water
– a supply of non-perishable snacks
– a warm blanket

To ensure your journey is a pleasant one, you should know your route and where the rest stops along the way are; stop every two hours or 200 kilometres for a rest; stay hydrated by drinking plenty of cool liquids; listen to some music to prevent drowsiness, and make sure to pull over in a safe area to stretch and have a brisk walk should you feel you are becoming drowsy.

An emergency can happen at any time and the difference between life and death depends on how well you know your destination. It is important to know where the nearest hospital or general practitioners are situated, so have a list of emergency services available in the area and ensure that each family member is in possession of a card containing all their emergency medical information.

Russel Meiring, the ER24 spokesperson said, “Remember, by adhering to the rules of the road, and by following our guidelines, you can guarantee yourself a safe and well-rested holiday.”

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