Save every drop

In the meantime, let's join hands and pray for some relief from above.

Despite the fact that Joburg Water is still implementing Level 2 restrictions at the time of going to print, we will have to continue saving every possible drop of water.
Although the Record has received complaints from residents about water wastage, I have to admit that the council is trying its utmost to solve the problems timeously. This goes for every other problem that exists in Roodepoort too.
The number of letters to the Record complaining about the fact that nothing is happening about service delivery, and Metro Police’s response (or rather the lack thereof), among other issues, is far lower than previously.
I understand the residents’ frustration. Those who voted for change expected it to happen virtually overnight. But the new mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Herman Mashaba, has his hands full trying to undo what was done for so many years.
The way to make things better for all residents is to be patient and allow the new council to take stock of everything that needs to be done. Give them the opportunity to get it done, but acknowledge that it’s not going to happen overnight, nor within two months.
The alternative is to roll up your sleeves and help wherever you can; for instance, save and harvest water, and report water wastage. This will benefit not only your household, it will benefit everybody living in this beautiful country.
In the meantime, let’s join hands and pray for some relief from above. Some wise man (I really don’t know who it was) said we should not think of leaving a better country for our children, but rather leaving better children for our country. Teach your children well because they will one day lead the way.
Until next week, take care of one another.

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