Outdoors with Africa’s birds

POORTVIEW – The annual African Bird Fair saw the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden fully packed at the weekend.

Families flocked to the third annual African Bird Fair at the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden this weekend, indulging in bird watching, expert lectures and guided walks.

The scorching heat did not keep visitors from unpacking their picnic baskets and soaking up the outdoor sounds and sights.

One such spectacular sight was the famous eagles, nested close to the waterfall where they could be seen through high-powered telescopes.

“The fair is fantastic this year. We previously had bad weather, but this weekend is nice,” Simone Thomsan, a Black Eagle Project volunteer and frequent visitor to the Botanical Gardens said.

Thomsan was one of the many bird and wildlife enthusiasts, camped at over 50 exhibitions, who happily informed visitors about the eagles and other birds, like owls, the blue crane and the Cape robin-chat.

Some of the exhibitors, like Belinda Cooper from the Proteadal Conservation Association, used the fair as an opportunity to talk about conservation issues in and around the area. Honorary Rangers, the South African National Parks’ volunteers, even persuaded a few nature-lovers to consider joining.

From early in the morning until late afternoon, guides led groups in garden and bird walks, teaching both children and the experienced outdoorsmen about bird calls and preservation.

Ronny Tshabalala, spokesperson for the Botanical Gardens, said the fair was not only about the birds and birding enthusiasts, but that such events are important to promote awareness about nature, wildlife and a love for outdoors. “The aim of the fair is to educate and excite the public about bird conservation and inspire an interest in bird-watching,” he said.

The African Bird Fair is a project of BirdLife South Africa in partnership with the South African National Biodiversity Institute.

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