Editor's note

We should care every day

Giving is always better than receiving and it makes one feel good

On Monday when the whole country celebrated Mandela Day we had the opportunity to make someone’s day special.

Giving is always better than receiving and it makes one feel good.

Yet I don’t fully support the idea of celebrating occasions such as Mandela Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

Shouldn’t we try to do good every single day? Why wait until Mandela Day, or all the other ‘special’ days we celebrate? Or is it just because the day is given so much publicity that we focus on other people’s plight more than usual?

I tell my mom I love her every time I speak to her, but I don’t buy her a Mother’s Day gift – I think it is overrated and commercialised. I don’t treat her any different than any other day.

Shouldn’t we show strangers and people in need the same courtesy? Shouldn’t we do good regardless of the day?

Wouldn’t you agree that if we treat everybody we meet with respect, this world would be a better place? We should not wait until a ‘special’ day to show how much we care.

Until next week, take care of one another.


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