Congratulations!! It’s a boy

There is a time to cry, a time to heal and a time to celebrate new life. And one was born yesterday (28 June).

As you may well know, Record journalist Riaan van Zyl has been waiting patiently to become a daddy again, and today was the big day. Little Milan came into the world via the Robertson Hospital in Randfontein, where he weighed in at 2,73kg.

Our congratulations go to Riaan and his wife, Maritza. May this little bundle of joy bring you only happiness, laughter and sunshine. Good luck with the dirty nappies and sleepless nights – just remember that children are truly blessings from above.

We don’t only welcome new-born babies into our world; we also shower them with hopes and wishes that we yearn to have granted – wishes for good health and abundant love and happiness. Even at this early age, we desire them to be the best possible version of themselves in the near future and for the rest of their lives.

Until next week, take care of one another.


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