Love your children this Valentine’s Day

JOBURG – Break tradition and spoil your children in the month of love.

Afrika Tikkun encourages parents to cherish their children this February with the Valentine’s 14-Day Parent Challenge.

“Valentine’s Day is traditionally a day for you and your partner or spouse to celebrate romance. This Valentine’s Day, Afrika Tikkun would like to do something for our precious little ones,” said Vanessa Mentor, early childhood development expert.

“We need love from the moment we are born, love makes us flourish and grow. As a way of promoting the importance of the involvement of parents in their child’s development, I am encouraging you to take the Valentine’s Day Challenge with the children in your life,” Mentor added.

Valentine’s 14 Day Parent Challenge:

Afrika Tikkun asks parents to post pictures of their children and challenge stories on their [Facebook], Instagram and Twitter accounts using hashtags #afrikatikkun and #valentines14dayparentchallenge.

The parents with the best photos will win Valentine’s Day vouchers to restaurants including Tasha’s and Grillhouse.

Details: Afrika Tikkun, or 011 325 5914.

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