Facebook is a great social media platform

You can keep in touch with friends and family and share some interesting bits of information with everybody else. Posting funny pictures and photographs are high on the list. One of the trending pictures doing the rounds was of this country’s president getting the numbers wrong and struggling with a speech recently. I wonder if …

You can keep in touch with friends and family and share some interesting bits of information with everybody else.

Posting funny pictures and photographs are high on the list. One of the trending pictures doing the rounds was of this country’s president getting the numbers wrong and struggling with a speech recently. I wonder if anybody in his cabinet saw this and passed it on.

There are many people who post information that can resort in a defamation case if they are not careful. Sharing what someone else said does not exempt you from facing possible charges. Sometimes I cringe when I read what people share.

You find many different kinds of people on Facebook. Those who share every single breath they take, I am sure some find them irritating, those who only share funny pictures, the religious ones, (always nice to read uplifting quotes), the selfie-addicts and those who post what they had for lunch or supper and then ask if it looks good.

The Record also is continuously sharing information on Facebook and hopefully the majority of Facebook users find it valuable. I love reading the comments from the community. While some are encouraging and eager to supply us with more information, others are downright rude, obnoxious and criticising.

But that is okay, we learn a lot from those comments and we try our best to deliver the kind of news all of you want to read. We also try to keep you updated with the latest news.

What information would you like to receive from us?

Let us know, there are always room for improvement. Send your comments to roelienv@caxton.co.za

Until next week, take care of one another.

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